玺留香数据库列表 Igreatlife Health Information Listings

Flavoring Listing : r R
兔子味 rabbit flavor 使用 Use(s): 各种调味产品 flavored products of all types
萝卜味 radish flavor 使用 Use(s): 各种调味产品 flavored products of all types
彩虹 rainbow 科拉达 colada flavor 使用 Use(s): 各种调味产品 flavored products of all types
葡萄干肉桂味 raisin cinnamon flavor 使用 Use(s): 各种调味产品 flavored products of all types
葡萄干味 raisin flavor 使用 Use(s): 各种调味产品 flavored products of all types
葡萄干 raisin 果汁 juice 浓缩 concentrate 使用 Use(s): 调味剂 flavoring agents, 食品添加剂 Food Additives
葡萄干核桃味 raisin walnut flavor 使用 Use(s): 各种调味产品 flavored products of all types
红毛丹风味 rambutan flavor 使用 Use(s): 各种调味产品 flavored products of all types
牧场 ranch flavor 使用 Use(s): 各种调味产品 flavored products of all types
覆盆子奶油味 raspberries &; cream flavor 使用 Use(s): 各种调味产品 flavored products of all types
覆盆子杏仁味 raspberry almond flavor 使用 Use(s): 各种调味产品 flavored products of all types
覆盆子苹果味 raspberry apple flavor 使用 Use(s): 各种调味产品 flavored products of all types
覆盆子黑醋栗子的味道 raspberry black currant flavor 使用 Use(s): 各种调味产品 flavored products of all types
覆盆子黑莓味 raspberry blackberry flavor 使用 Use(s): 各种调味产品 flavored products of all types
覆盆子波森莓风味 raspberry boysenberry flavor 使用 Use(s): 各种调味产品 flavored products of all types
覆盆子蔓越莓味 raspberry cranberry flavor 使用 Use(s): 各种调味产品 flavored products of all types
覆盆子奶油味 raspberries &; cream flavor 使用 Use(s): 各种调味产品 flavored products of all types
黑 black
覆盆子奶油味 raspberries &; cream flavor 使用 Use(s): 各种调味产品 flavored products of all types
黑 black
覆盆子 raspberry 黑醋栗 currant flavor 使用 Use(s): 各种调味产品 flavored products of all types
覆盆子馏出物 raspberry distillates CAS: 72379-31-8

使用 Use(s): 香精香料 flavor and fragrance agents
红 red
覆盆子馏出物 raspberry distillates 使用 Use(s): 调味剂 flavoring agents
覆盆子增强剂 raspberry enhancer 使用 Use(s): 增味剂 flavor enhancers
覆盆子味 raspberry flavor 使用 Use(s): 各种调味产品 flavored products of all types
黑 black
覆盆子味 raspberry flavor 使用 Use(s): 各种调味产品 flavored products of all types
蓝色 blue
覆盆子味 raspberry flavor 使用 Use(s): 各种调味产品 flavored products of all types
覆盆子味 raspberry flavor 使用 Use(s): 各种调味产品 flavored products of all types
红 red
覆盆子味 raspberry flavor 使用 Use(s): 各种调味产品 flavored products of all types
酸 sour
覆盆子味 raspberry flavor 使用 Use(s): 各种调味产品 flavored products of all types
野生 wild
覆盆子味 raspberry flavor 使用 Use(s): 各种调味产品 flavored products of all types
覆盆子味的巧克力 raspberry flavor for chocolate 使用 Use(s): 各种调味产品 flavored products of all types
覆盆子味的关键 raspberry flavor key 使用 Use(s): 调味剂 flavoring agents
覆盆子榛子味 raspberry hazelnut flavor 使用 Use(s): 各种调味产品 flavored products of all types
黑 black
覆盆子 raspberry 果汁 juice 浓缩 concentrate 使用 Use(s): 调味剂 flavoring agents, 食品添加剂 Food Additives
红 red
覆盆子 raspberry 果汁 juice 浓缩 concentrate 使用 Use(s): 调味剂 flavoring agents, 食品添加剂 Food Additives
覆盆子酸橙味 raspberry lime flavor 使用 Use(s): 各种调味产品 flavored products of all types
覆盆子Loganberry风味 raspberry loganberry flavor 使用 Use(s): 各种调味产品 flavored products of all types
覆盆子芒果味 raspberry mango flavor 使用 Use(s): 各种调味产品 flavored products of all types
覆盆子梨味 raspberry pear flavor 使用 Use(s): 各种调味产品 flavored products of all types
黑 black
覆盆子 raspberry 菜泥 puree 使用 Use(s): 调味剂 flavoring agents, 食品添加剂 Food Additives
红 red
覆盆子 raspberry 菜泥 puree 使用 Use(s): 调味剂 flavoring agents, 食品添加剂 Food Additives
黑 black
覆盆子 raspberry 菜泥 puree 浓缩 concentrate 使用 Use(s): 调味剂 flavoring agents, 食品添加剂 Food Additives
红 red
覆盆子 raspberry 菜泥 puree 浓缩 concentrate 使用 Use(s): 调味剂 flavoring agents, 食品添加剂 Food Additives
覆盆子伦巴风味 raspberry rumba flavor 使用 Use(s): 各种调味产品 flavored products of all types
覆盆子果汁牛奶冻味道 raspberry sherbet flavor 使用 Use(s): 各种调味产品 flavored products of all types
覆盆子 raspberry 果馅奶酪卷 strudel flavor 使用 Use(s): 各种调味产品 flavored products of all types
覆盆子番茄味 raspberry tomato flavor 使用 Use(s): 各种调味产品 flavored products of all types
覆盆子香草味 raspberry vanilla flavor 使用 Use(s): 各种调味产品 flavored products of all types
红 red 公牛 bull type flavor 使用 Use(s): 各种调味产品 flavored products of all types
红 red 热 hot 热情 passion flavor 使用 Use(s): 各种调味产品 flavored products of all types
玫瑰红景天根馏出物 rhodiola rosea root distillates 使用 Use(s): 调味剂 flavoring agents
大黄馏出物 rhubarb distillates 使用 Use(s): 调味剂 flavoring agents
大黄味 rhubarb flavor 使用 Use(s): 各种调味产品 flavored products of all types
大黄浓缩汁 rhubarb juice concentrate 使用 Use(s): 调味剂 flavoring agents, 食品添加剂 Food Additives
闭鞘姜/云木香果肉果汁 ribes grossularia fruit juice CAS: 90045-41-3
EC: 289-902-5

使用 Use(s): 皮肤调理化妆品成分 cosmetic ingredient for skin conditioning
排骨果汁 ribes nigrum fruit juice CAS: 68606-81-5
EC: 271-749-0

使用 Use(s): 化妆品和调味剂 cosmetic and flavor agents
红肋排汁 ribes rubrum juice CAS: 84650-22-6
EC: 283-502-4

使用 Use(s): 皮肤调理化妆品成分 cosmetic ingredient for skin conditioning
大米馏出物 rice distillates 使用 Use(s): 调味剂 flavoring agents
大米味 rice flavor 使用 Use(s): 各种调味产品 flavored products of all types
棕色 brown
大米味 rice flavor 使用 Use(s): 各种调味产品 flavored products of all types
西班牙文 spanish
大米味 rice flavor 使用 Use(s): 各种调味产品 flavored products of all types
rice 布丁 pudding flavor 使用 Use(s): 各种调味产品 flavored products of all types
烤味 roasted flavor 使用 Use(s): 各种调味产品 flavored products of all types
岩石 rock &amp &; 黑麦 rye flavor 使用 Use(s): 各种调味产品 flavored products of all types
生啤酒味 root beer flavor 使用 Use(s): 各种调味产品 flavored products of all types
奶油 cream
生啤酒味 root beer flavor 使用 Use(s): 各种调味产品 flavored products of all types
草药 herbal
生啤酒味 root beer flavor 使用 Use(s): 各种调味产品 flavored products of all types
蜜糖 honey
生啤酒味 root beer flavor 使用 Use(s): 各种调味产品 flavored products of all types
扎根啤酒漂浮风味 root beer float flavor 使用 Use(s): 各种调味产品 flavored products of all types
蔷薇玫瑰汁 rosa centifolia flower juice CAS: 84604-12-6
EC: 283-289-8

使用 Use(s): 皮肤调理化妆品成分 cosmetic ingredient for skin conditioning
蔷薇蔷薇堡汁 rosa roxburghii juice CAS: 223748-27-4

使用 Use(s): 润肤剂 emollients, 湿润剂 humectants
玫瑰馏出物 rose distillates 使用 Use(s): 香精香料 flavor and fragrance agents
玫瑰味 rose flavor 使用 Use(s): 各种调味产品 flavored products of all types
玫瑰 rose hips flavor 使用 Use(s): 各种调味产品 flavored products of all types
玫瑰草莓味 rose strawberry flavor 使用 Use(s): 各种调味产品 flavored products of all types
迷迭香香精 rosemary flavor 使用 Use(s): 各种调味产品 flavored products of all types
迷迭香 玫瑰 rosemary 大蒜 garlic 腌料 marinade 使用 Use(s): 香料 spices, 其他天然调味料和调味料 other natural seasonings and flavorings
迷迭香 rosmarinus officinalis distillates 使用 Use(s): 化妆品和香料 cosmetic and fragrance agents
固体油 butter
roux flavor 使用 Use(s): 各种调味产品 flavored products of all types
暗 dark
roux flavor 使用 Use(s): 各种调味产品 flavored products of all types
红宝石 rubus chingii chingii 果 fruit 果汁 juice CAS: 223748-34-3
FEMA: 4717

使用 Use(s): 调味剂 flavoring agents
悬钩子果汁 rubus idaeus sachalinensis fruit juice 使用 Use(s): 食品添加剂和美容剂 food additive and cosmetic agents
悬钩子果汁 rubus idaeus sachalinensis fruit juice CAS: 84787-69-9
EC: 284-110-6
FEMA: 2155

使用 Use(s): 化妆品和调味剂 cosmetic and flavor agents
红宝石 rubus 水果 fruticosus 果 fruit 菜泥 puree CAS: 84787-69-9
EC: 284-110-6

使用 Use(s): 调味剂和佐剂 flavoring agents and adjuvants
悬钩子果汁 rubus idaeus sachalinensis fruit juice CAS: 84929-76-0
EC: 284-554-0

使用 Use(s): 化妆品和调味剂 cosmetic and flavor agents
悬钩子果汁 rubus idaeus sachalinensis fruit juice 使用 Use(s): 掩蔽剂 masking agents
西番莲果汁 rubus occidentalis fruit juice CAS: 68915-99-1
EC: 272-819-3

使用 Use(s): 化妆品和调味剂 cosmetic and flavor agents
乌鲁斯红宝石变种对数杆菌汁 rubus ursinus var. loganobaccus juice CAS: 93384-28-2
EC: 297-237-7

使用 Use(s): 调味剂 flavoring agents
朗姆酒黄油味 rum butter flavor 使用 Use(s): 各种调味产品 flavored products of all types
朗姆椰子味 rum coconut flavor 使用 Use(s): 各种调味产品 flavored products of all types
朗姆咖啡味 rum coffee flavor 使用 Use(s): 各种调味产品 flavored products of all types
朗姆醚味 rum ether flavor 使用 Use(s): 各种调味产品 flavored products of all types
rum extract CAS: 90604-30-1
EC: 292-323-0

使用 Use(s): 香精香料 flavor and fragrance agents
朗姆酒味 rum flavor 使用 Use(s): 各种调味产品 flavored products of all types
牙买加 jamaican
朗姆酒味 rum flavor 使用 Use(s): 各种调味产品 flavored products of all types
朗姆酒葡萄干味 rum raisin flavor 使用 Use(s): 各种调味产品 flavored products of all types
rum 跑步者 runner flavor 使用 Use(s): 各种调味产品 flavored products of all types
朗姆酒香料味 rum spice flavor 使用 Use(s): 各种调味产品 flavored products of all types
白 white
俄语 russian flavor 使用 Use(s): 各种调味产品 flavored products of all types
大头菜风味 rutabaga flavor 使用 Use(s): 各种调味产品 flavored products of all types
黑麦馏出物 rye distillates 使用 Use(s): 各种调味产品 flavored products of all types
The Flavoring information is provided to the Internet Community.