玺留香数据库列表 Igreatlife Health Information Listings

Flavoring Listing : L
莴苣苜蓿叶汁 lactuca scariola sativa leaf juice CAS: 84776-66-9
EC: 283-995-6

使用 Use(s): 食品添加剂和美容剂 food additive and cosmetic agents
uca浆叶汁 lactuca serriola leaf juice CAS: 90046-10-9
EC: 289-977-4

使用 Use(s): 仅不用于香料或香精的信息 information only not used for fragrances or flavors
水解 hydrolyzed
lagenaria siceraria 果 fruit 果汁 juice 使用 Use(s): 皮肤调理化妆品成分 cosmetic ingredient for skin conditioning
laksa flavor 使用 Use(s): 各种调味产品 flavored products of all types
羊肉味 lamb flavor 使用 Use(s): 各种调味产品 flavored products of all types
羊肉 lamb kabob 腌料 marinade 使用 Use(s): 香料 spices, 其他天然调味料和调味料 other natural seasonings and flavorings
猪油味 lard flavor 使用 Use(s): 各种调味产品 flavored products of all types
薰衣草花/叶/茎汁 lavandula angustifolia flower/leaf/stem juice CAS: 90063-37-9
EC: 289-995-2

使用 Use(s): 化妆品 cosmetic, 香精香料 flavor and fragrance agents
薰衣草味 lavender flavor 使用 Use(s): 各种调味产品 flavored products of all types
薰衣草柠檬味 lavender lemon flavor 使用 Use(s): 各种调味产品 flavored products of all types
薰衣草 lavender 香草 vanilla bean flavor 使用 Use(s): 各种调味产品 flavored products of all types
韭菜味 leek flavor 使用 Use(s): 各种调味产品 flavored products of all types
韭葱 leek 果汁 juice 浓缩 concentrate CAS: 84650-15-7
EC: 283-496-3

使用 Use(s): 调味剂和佐剂 flavoring agents and adjuvants
柠檬罗勒味 lemon basil flavor 使用 Use(s): 各种调味产品 flavored products of all types
柠檬浆果味 lemon berry flavor 使用 Use(s): 各种调味产品 flavored products of all types
柠檬樱桃味 lemon cherry flavor 使用 Use(s): 各种调味产品 flavored products of all types
柠檬雪纺味 lemon chiffon flavor 使用 Use(s): 各种调味产品 flavored products of all types
柠檬奶油味 lemon cream flavor 使用 Use(s): 各种调味产品 flavored products of all types
柠檬蛋flavor味 lemon custard flavor 使用 Use(s): 各种调味产品 flavored products of all types
柠檬馏出物 lemon distillates 使用 Use(s): 各种调味产品 flavored products of all types
柠檬味 lemon flavor 使用 Use(s): 各种调味产品 flavored products of all types
苦 bitter
柠檬味 lemon flavor 使用 Use(s): 各种调味产品 flavored products of all types
绿 green
柠檬味 lemon flavor 使用 Use(s): 各种调味产品 flavored products of all types
义大利文 italian
柠檬味 lemon flavor 使用 Use(s): 各种调味产品 flavored products of all types
迈耶 meyer
柠檬味 lemon flavor 使用 Use(s): 各种调味产品 flavored products of all types
东方的 oriental
柠檬味 lemon flavor 使用 Use(s): 各种调味产品 flavored products of all types
粉 pink
柠檬味 lemon flavor 使用 Use(s): 各种调味产品 flavored products of all types
酸 sour
柠檬味 lemon flavor 使用 Use(s): 各种调味产品 flavored products of all types
热带 tropical
柠檬味 lemon flavor 使用 Use(s): 各种调味产品 flavored products of all types
柠檬馏分 lemon fractions 使用 Use(s): 调味剂 flavoring agents
柠檬 lemon 大蒜 garlic 腌料 marinade 使用 Use(s): 香料 spices, 其他天然调味料和调味料 other natural seasonings and flavorings
柠檬 lemon 大蒜 garlic 调味料 seasoning 使用 Use(s): 香料 spices, 其他天然调味料和调味料 other natural seasonings and flavorings
柠檬姜味 lemon ginger flavor 使用 Use(s): 各种调味产品 flavored products of all types
柠檬蜂蜜薄荷味 lemon honey mint flavor 使用 Use(s): 各种调味产品 flavored products of all types
柠檬汁浓缩 lemon juice concentrate CAS: 68916-88-1

使用 Use(s): 调味剂和佐剂 flavoring agents and adjuvants
柠檬汁香精 lemon juice flavor 使用 Use(s): 各种调味产品 flavored products of all types
柠檬叶香精 lemon leaf flavor 使用 Use(s): 各种调味产品 flavored products of all types
柠檬青柠味 kaffir lime flavor 使用 Use(s): 各种调味产品 flavored products of all types
柠檬石灰果子露 lemon lime sherbet flavor 使用 Use(s): 各种调味产品 flavored products of all types
柠檬 lemon 酥皮 meringue flavor 使用 Use(s): 各种调味产品 flavored products of all types
柠檬薄荷奶油味 lemon mint cream flavor 使用 Use(s): 各种调味产品 flavored products of all types
柠檬薄荷味 lemon mint flavor 使用 Use(s): 各种调味产品 flavored products of all types
柠檬皮味 lemon peel flavor 使用 Use(s): 各种调味产品 flavored products of all types
柠檬胡椒味 lemon pepper flavor 使用 Use(s): 各种调味产品 flavored products of all types
柠檬 lemon 胡椒 pepper 腌料 marinade 使用 Use(s): 香料 spices, 其他天然调味料和调味料 other natural seasonings and flavorings
柠檬 lemon 胡椒 pepper 调味料 seasoning 使用 Use(s): 香料 spices, 其他天然调味料和调味料 other natural seasonings and flavorings
柠檬橘子味 lemon tangerine flavor 使用 Use(s): 各种调味产品 flavored products of all types
柠檬龙蒿味 lemon tarragon flavor 使用 Use(s): 各种调味产品 flavored products of all types
柠檬马鞭草蒸馏物 lemon verbena distillates 使用 Use(s): 调味剂 flavoring agents
柠檬马鞭草香精 lemon verbena flavor 使用 Use(s): 各种调味产品 flavored products of all types
柠檬皮风味 lemon zest flavor 使用 Use(s): 各种调味产品 flavored products of all types
柠檬水味 lemonade flavor 使用 Use(s): 各种调味产品 flavored products of all types
柠檬水味 lemonade flavor 使用 Use(s): 各种调味产品 flavored products of all types
黑 black 覆盆子 raspberry
柠檬水味 lemonade flavor 使用 Use(s): 各种调味产品 flavored products of all types
黑莓 黑 blackberry
柠檬水味 lemonade flavor 使用 Use(s): 各种调味产品 flavored products of all types
蓝莓 blueberry
柠檬水味 lemonade flavor 使用 Use(s): 各种调味产品 flavored products of all types
薰衣草 lavender
柠檬水味 lemonade flavor 使用 Use(s): 各种调味产品 flavored products of all types
粉 pink
柠檬水味 lemonade flavor 使用 Use(s): 各种调味产品 flavored products of all types
石榴 pomegranate
柠檬水味 lemonade flavor 使用 Use(s): 各种调味产品 flavored products of all types
覆盆子 raspberry
柠檬水味 lemonade flavor 使用 Use(s): 各种调味产品 flavored products of all types
草莓 strawberry
柠檬水味 lemonade flavor 使用 Use(s): 各种调味产品 flavored products of all types
柑橘 tangerine
柠檬水味 lemonade flavor 使用 Use(s): 各种调味产品 flavored products of all types
白 white
柠檬水味 lemonade flavor 使用 Use(s): 各种调味产品 flavored products of all types
柠檬草馏出物 lemongrass distillates 使用 Use(s): 调味剂 flavoring agents
柠檬草香精 lemongrass flavor 使用 Use(s): 各种调味产品 flavored products of all types
无柠檬钥匙 lemonless lemon key 使用 Use(s): 调味剂 flavoring agents
生菜味 lettuce flavor 使用 Use(s): 各种调味产品 flavored products of all types
生菜叶浓缩汁 lettuce leaf juice concentrate CAS: 84776-66-9
EC: 283-995-6

使用 Use(s): 食品添加剂 Food Additives
生菜叶泥 lettuce leaf puree CAS: 84776-66-9
EC: 283-995-6

使用 Use(s): 食品添加剂 Food Additives
左旋木耳根馏出物 levisticum officinale root distillates 使用 Use(s): 调味剂 flavoring agents
甘草味 licorice flavor 使用 Use(s): 各种调味产品 flavored products of all types
黑 black
甘草味 licorice flavor 使用 Use(s): 各种调味产品 flavored products of all types
红 red
甘草味 licorice flavor 使用 Use(s): 各种调味产品 flavored products of all types
甘草根汁 licorice root juice CAS: 84775-66-6
EC: 283-895-2

使用 Use(s): 美容剂 cosmetic agents
lilikoi lilikoi漂浮香精 使用 Use(s): 各种调味产品 flavored products of all types
石灰糖果味 lime candy flavor 使用 Use(s): 各种调味产品 flavored products of all types
酸橙 lime 花栗鼠 chipotle 腌料 marinade 使用 Use(s): 香料 spices, 其他天然调味料和调味料 other natural seasonings and flavorings
酸橙 lime 香菜 cilantro 腌料 marinade 使用 Use(s): 香料 spices, 其他天然调味料和调味料 other natural seasonings and flavorings
石灰精矿 lime concentrate CAS: 8008-26-2
EC: 290-010-3

使用 Use(s): 调味剂 flavoring agents
青柠味 lime cordial flavor 使用 Use(s): 各种调味产品 flavored products of all types
酸橙 lime 孜然 cumin 腌料 marinade 使用 Use(s): 香料 spices, 其他天然调味料和调味料 other natural seasonings and flavorings
石灰味 lime flavor 使用 Use(s): 各种调味产品 flavored products of all types
手指 finger
石灰味 lime flavor 使用 Use(s): 各种调味产品 flavored products of all types
非洲黑 kaffir
石灰味 lime flavor 使用 Use(s): 各种调味产品 flavored products of all types
键 key
石灰味 lime flavor 使用 Use(s): 各种调味产品 flavored products of all types
酸 sour
石灰味 lime flavor 使用 Use(s): 各种调味产品 flavored products of all types
热带 tropical
石灰味 lime flavor 使用 Use(s): 各种调味产品 flavored products of all types
柠檬汁脱水 lime juice dehydrated CAS: 977091-78-3

使用 Use(s): 调味剂和佐剂 flavoring agents and adjuvants
石灰叶香精 lime leaf flavor 使用 Use(s): 各种调味产品 flavored products of all types
非洲黑 kaffir
石灰叶香精 lime leaf flavor 使用 Use(s): 各种调味产品 flavored products of all types
青柠芒果味 lime mango flavor 使用 Use(s): 各种调味产品 flavored products of all types
键 key
酸橙 lime 馅饼 pie flavor 使用 Use(s): 各种调味产品 flavored products of all types
酸橙 lime ric键 key flavor 使用 Use(s): 各种调味产品 flavored products of all types
石灰冰冻果子露味道 lime sherbet flavor 使用 Use(s): 各种调味产品 flavored products of all types
柠檬水味 lemonade flavor 使用 Use(s): 各种调味产品 flavored products of all types
樱桃 cherry
柠檬水味 lemonade flavor 使用 Use(s): 各种调味产品 flavored products of all types
柠檬水味 lemonade flavor 使用 Use(s): 各种调味产品 flavored products of all types
青柠味 lime cordial flavor 使用 Use(s): 各种调味产品 flavored products of all types
嗜脂菌 limnophila 芳香族 aromatica flavor 使用 Use(s): 各种调味产品 flavored products of all types
柠檬酒风味 limoncello flavor 使用 Use(s): 各种调味产品 flavored products of all types
越橘味 lingonberry flavor 使用 Use(s): 各种调味产品 flavored products of all types
linzer torte flavor 使用 Use(s): 各种调味产品 flavored products of all types
利口酒香精 liqueur flavor 使用 Use(s): 各种调味产品 flavored products of all types
荔枝果汁 litchi chinensis fruit juice CAS: 91722-81-5
EC: 294-483-7

使用 Use(s): 化妆品和调味剂 cosmetic and flavor agents
肝味 liver flavor 使用 Use(s): 各种调味产品 flavored products of all types
龙虾味 lobster flavor 使用 Use(s): 各种调味产品 flavored products of all types
bbq BBQ
龙虾味 lobster flavor 使用 Use(s): 各种调味产品 flavored products of all types
洛根莓味 loganberry flavor 使用 Use(s): 各种调味产品 flavored products of all types
忍冬忍冬果汁 lonicera caerulea fruit juice 使用 Use(s): 湿润剂 humectants
lo味 loquat flavor 使用 Use(s): 各种调味产品 flavored products of all types
莲花味 lotus flower flavor 使用 Use(s): 各种调味产品 flavored products of all types
lotus 种子 seed flavor 使用 Use(s): 各种调味产品 flavored products of all types
爱 love potion flavor 使用 Use(s): 各种调味产品 flavored products of all types
lucuma lucuma味道 使用 Use(s): 各种调味产品 flavored products of all types
罗汉浓缩果 luo han fruit concentrate CAS: 1042967-53-2
FEMA: 4711

使用 Use(s): 甜味剂 sweeteners, 增味剂 flavor enhancers
荔枝馏出物 lychee distillates 使用 Use(s): 调味剂 flavoring agents
荔枝味 lychee flavor 使用 Use(s): 各种调味产品 flavored products of all types
荔枝木槿味 lychee hibiscus flavor 使用 Use(s): 各种调味产品 flavored products of all types
荔枝薰衣草味 lychee lavender flavor 使用 Use(s): 各种调味产品 flavored products of all types
荔枝坚果香精 lychee nut flavor 使用 Use(s): 各种调味产品 flavored products of all types
荔枝菠萝味 lychee pineapple flavor 使用 Use(s): 各种调味产品 flavored products of all types
枸杞果汁 lycium barbarum fruit juice 使用 Use(s): 食品添加剂 Food Additives
枸杞果汁 lycium barbarum fruit juice 使用 Use(s): 皮肤调理化妆品成分 cosmetic ingredient for skin conditioning
The Flavoring information is provided to the Internet Community.