玺留香数据库列表 Igreatlife Health Information Listings

Flavoring Listing : v V
黑果越橘果汁 vaccinium angustifolium fruit juice 使用 Use(s): 化妆品 cosmetic, 香精香料 flavor and fragrance agents
蔓越莓 vaccinium angustifolium 果 fruit 菜泥 puree 使用 Use(s): 调味剂和佐剂 flavoring agents and adjuvants
蔓越莓果汁 vaccinium macrocarpon fruit juice CAS: 91770-88-6
EC: 294-875-8

使用 Use(s): 化妆品和调味剂 cosmetic and flavor agents
蔓越莓果果泥 vaccinium macrocarpon fruit puree CAS: 91770-88-6
EC: 294-875-8

使用 Use(s): 调味剂和佐剂 flavoring agents and adjuvants
黑果越橘果汁 vaccinium angustifolium fruit juice CAS: 84082-34-8
EC: 281-983-5

使用 Use(s): 化妆品和调味剂 cosmetic and flavor agents
蔓越莓痘果汁 vaccinium virgatum fruit juice 使用 Use(s): 食品添加剂和美容剂 food additive and cosmetic agents
葡萄痘葡萄汁 vaccinium vitis-idaea fruit juice CAS: 90131-85-4
EC: 290-400-3

使用 Use(s): 皮肤调理化妆品成分 cosmetic ingredient for skin conditioning
缬草根茎馏出物 valerian rhizome distillates 使用 Use(s): 调味剂 flavoring agents
香草杏仁味 vanilla almond flavor 使用 Use(s): 各种调味产品 flavored products of all types
香草豆味关键 vanilla bean flavor key 使用 Use(s): 调味剂 flavoring agents
香草黄油坚果味 vanilla butter nut flavor 使用 Use(s): 各种调味产品 flavored products of all types
香草焦糖味 vanilla caramel flavor 使用 Use(s): 各种调味产品 flavored products of all types
香草 vanilla
chai chai flavor 使用 Use(s): 各种调味产品 flavored products of all types
香草精 vanilla concentrate
使用 Use(s): 调味剂 flavoring agents
香草奶油味 vanilla cream flavor 使用 Use(s): 各种调味产品 flavored products of all types
香草蛋奶味 vanilla custard flavor 使用 Use(s): 各种调味产品 flavored products of all types
香草馏出物 vanilla distillates 使用 Use(s): 调味剂 flavoring agents
香草味 vanilla flavor 使用 Use(s): 各种调味产品 flavored products of all types
bakers bakers 白 white
香草味 vanilla flavor 使用 Use(s): 各种调味产品 flavored products of all types
香草味 vanilla flavor 使用 Use(s): 各种调味产品 flavored products of all types
chai chai
香草味 vanilla flavor 使用 Use(s): 各种调味产品 flavored products of all types
法国 french
香草味 vanilla flavor 使用 Use(s): 各种调味产品 flavored products of all types
香草味关键 vanilla flavor key 使用 Use(s): 调味剂和佐剂 flavoring agents and adjuvants
香草软糖的味道 vanilla fudge flavor 使用 Use(s): 各种调味产品 flavored products of all types
香草榛子味 vanilla hazelnut flavor 使用 Use(s): 各种调味产品 flavored products of all types
香草 vanilla 拿铁 latte flavor 使用 Use(s): 各种调味产品 flavored products of all types
香草澳洲坚果坚果味 vanilla macadamia nut flavor 使用 Use(s): 各种调味产品 flavored products of all types
香草摩卡香精 vanilla mocha flavor 使用 Use(s): 各种调味产品 flavored products of all types
香草 vanilla n 苏格兰 scotch flavor 使用 Use(s): 各种调味产品 flavored products of all types
香草坚果焦糖味 vanilla nut creme flavor 使用 Use(s): 各种调味产品 flavored products of all types
香草坚果味 vanilla nut flavor 使用 Use(s): 各种调味产品 flavored products of all types
香草香兰味 vanilla pandan flavor 使用 Use(s): 各种调味产品 flavored products of all types
香草粉香精 vanilla powder flavor 使用 Use(s): 各种调味产品 flavored products of all types
香草檀香 vanilla sandalwood flavor 使用 Use(s): 各种调味产品 flavored products of all types
香草糖 vanilla sugar 使用 Use(s): 各种调味产品 flavored products of all types
香草漩涡味 vanilla swirl flavor 使用 Use(s): 各种调味产品 flavored products of all types
香草西瓜味 vanilla watermelon flavor 使用 Use(s): 各种调味产品 flavored products of all types
小牛肉味 veal flavor 使用 Use(s): 各种调味产品 flavored products of all types
蔬菜浓汤 vegetable broth concentrates 使用 Use(s): 香料 spices, 其他天然调味料和调味料 other natural seasonings and flavorings
蔬菜味 vegetable flavor 使用 Use(s): 各种调味产品 flavored products of all types
烤 roasted
蔬菜味 vegetable flavor 使用 Use(s): 各种调味产品 flavored products of all types
炒 sauteed
蔬菜味 vegetable flavor 使用 Use(s): 各种调味产品 flavored products of all types
蔬菜 vegetable 果汁 juice CAS: 977010-58-4

使用 Use(s): 着色剂 coloring agents
蔬菜汤味 vegetable soup flavor 使用 Use(s): 各种调味产品 flavored products of all types
蔬菜原味 vegetable stock flavor 使用 Use(s): 各种调味产品 flavored products of all types
威尼斯 venetian flavor 使用 Use(s): 各种调味产品 flavored products of all types
鹿肉味 venison flavor 使用 Use(s): 各种调味产品 flavored products of all types
苦艾酒 vermouth flavor 使用 Use(s): 各种调味产品 flavored products of all types
醋味 vinegar flavor 使用 Use(s): 各种调味产品 flavored products of all types
香醋 balsamic
醋味 vinegar flavor 使用 Use(s): 各种调味产品 flavored products of all types
麦芽 malt
醋味 vinegar flavor 使用 Use(s): 各种调味产品 flavored products of all types
红 red 葡萄酒 wine
醋味 vinegar flavor 使用 Use(s): 各种调味产品 flavored products of all types
白 white 葡萄酒 wine
醋味 vinegar flavor 使用 Use(s): 各种调味产品 flavored products of all types
香醋 balsamic
醋 vinegar 腌料 marinade 使用 Use(s): 香料 spices, 其他天然调味料和调味料 other natural seasonings and flavorings
三色堇花汁 viola tricolor flower juice CAS: 84012-42-0
EC: 281-687-6

使用 Use(s): 皮肤调理化妆品成分 cosmetic ingredient for skin conditioning
紫罗兰味 violet flavor 使用 Use(s): 各种调味产品 flavored products of all types
红 red
vitis vinifera 果 fruit 果汁 juice CAS: 84929-27-1
EC: 284-511-6

使用 Use(s): 化妆品和调味剂 cosmetic and flavor agents
vitis vinifera 果 fruit 菜泥 puree CAS: 84929-27-1
EC: 284-511-6

使用 Use(s): 调味剂和佐剂 flavoring agents and adjuvants
伏特加风味 vodka flavor 使用 Use(s): 各种调味产品 flavored products of all types
伏特加风味键 vodka flavor key 使用 Use(s): 调味剂和佐剂 flavoring agents and adjuvants
The Flavoring information is provided to the Internet Community.