玺留香数据库列表 Igreatlife Health Information Listings

Flavoring Listing : P
pachranga achaar flavor 使用 Use(s): 各种调味产品 flavored products of all types
锅滴水味 pan drippings flavor 使用 Use(s): 各种调味产品 flavored products of all types
帕纳 pana cotta flavor 使用 Use(s): 各种调味产品 flavored products of all types
潘丹 pand andan flavor 使用 Use(s): 各种调味产品 flavored products of all types
panna cotta flavor 使用 Use(s): 各种调味产品 flavored products of all types
pannetone flavor 使用 Use(s): 各种调味产品 flavored products of all types
木瓜馏出物 papaya distillates 使用 Use(s): 调味剂 flavoring agents
木瓜味 papaya flavor 使用 Use(s): 各种调味产品 flavored products of all types
木瓜番石榴味 papaya guava flavor 使用 Use(s): 各种调味产品 flavored products of all types
木瓜浓缩汁 papaya juice concentrate 使用 Use(s): 调味剂 flavoring agents, 食品添加剂 Food Additives
pareils 使用 Use(s): 食品添加剂 Food Additives
帕尔马干酪 parmesan cheese, 雷吉亚诺奶酪 reggiano cheese CAS: 977090-87-1

使用 Use(s): 奶酪和相关奶酪产品 cheeses and related cheese products
香菜味 parsley flavor 使用 Use(s): 各种调味产品 flavored products of all types
帕西拉 pasilla 辣椒 chili distillates 使用 Use(s): 调味剂 flavoring agents
西番莲果汁 passiflora quadrangularis fruit juice CAS: 91770-48-8
EC: 294-833-9

使用 Use(s): 化妆品 cosmetic, 调味剂及相关物质 flavor agents and related substances
西番莲 passiflora 纳塔 incarnata 果 fruit 菜泥 puree CAS: 72968-47-9
EC: 277-142-7

使用 Use(s): 调味剂和佐剂 flavoring agents and adjuvants
西番莲果汁 passiflora quadrangularis fruit juice 使用 Use(s): 收敛剂 astringents
百香果黑醋栗子的味道 passion fruit black currant flavor 使用 Use(s): 各种调味产品 flavored products of all types
百香果馏出物 passion fruit distillates 使用 Use(s): 调味剂 flavoring agents
百香果增强剂 passion fruit enhancer 使用 Use(s): 增味剂 flavor enhancers
百香果香精 passion fruit flavor 使用 Use(s): 各种调味产品 flavored products of all types
百香果分数 passion fruit fractions 使用 Use(s): 调味剂 flavoring agents
百香果番石榴味 passion fruit guava flavor 使用 Use(s): 各种调味产品 flavored products of all types
西番莲浓缩汁 passion fruit juice concentrate 使用 Use(s): 调味剂 flavoring agents, 食品添加剂 Food Additives
百香果石灰含羞草味 passion fruit lime mimosa flavor 使用 Use(s): 各种调味产品 flavored products of all types
百香果橙子味 passion fruit orange flavor 使用 Use(s): 各种调味产品 flavored products of all types
百香果树莓味 passion fruit raspberry flavor 使用 Use(s): 各种调味产品 flavored products of all types
百香果香料味 passion fruit spice flavor 使用 Use(s): 各种调味产品 flavored products of all types
豌豆根汁 pastinaca sativa root juice CAS: 90082-39-6
EC: 290-129-0

使用 Use(s): 皮肤调理化妆品成分 cosmetic ingredient for skin conditioning
pastrami 腌料 marinade 使用 Use(s): 香料 spices, 其他天然调味料和调味料 other natural seasonings and flavorings
绿 green
pea distillates CAS: 90082-41-0
EC: 290-130-6

使用 Use(s): 各种调味产品 flavored products of all types
桃子 peach belini flavor 使用 Use(s): 各种调味产品 flavored products of all types
桃浆果味 peach berry flavor 使用 Use(s): 各种调味产品 flavored products of all types
桃子 peach 皮匠 cobbler flavor 使用 Use(s): 各种调味产品 flavored products of all types
桃蔓越莓味 peach cranberry flavor 使用 Use(s): 各种调味产品 flavored products of all types
桃子 peach 黎明 dawn flavor 使用 Use(s): 各种调味产品 flavored products of all types
桃子馏出物 peach distillates 使用 Use(s): 调味剂 flavoring agents
桃子增强剂 peach enhancer 使用 Use(s): 增味剂 flavor enhancers
桃子味 peach flavor 使用 Use(s): 各种调味产品 flavored products of all types
canned canned
桃子味 peach flavor 使用 Use(s): 各种调味产品 flavored products of all types
红 red
桃子味 peach flavor 使用 Use(s): 各种调味产品 flavored products of all types
白 white
桃子味 peach flavor 使用 Use(s): 各种调味产品 flavored products of all types
巧克力桃味 peach flavor for chocolate 使用 Use(s): 各种调味产品 flavored products of all types
桃味钥匙 peach flavor key 使用 Use(s): 调味剂 flavoring agents
桃子分数 peach fractions 使用 Use(s): 调味剂 flavoring agents
桃姜味 peach ginger flavor 使用 Use(s): 各种调味产品 flavored products of all types
桃汁浓缩 peach juice concentrate 使用 Use(s): 调味剂 flavoring agents, 食品添加剂 Food Additives
红 red
桃汁浓缩 peach juice concentrate 使用 Use(s): 调味剂 flavoring agents, 食品添加剂 Food Additives
桃柠檬百里香风味 peach lemon thyme flavor 使用 Use(s): 各种调味产品 flavored products of all types
桃芒果味 peach mango flavor 使用 Use(s): 各种调味产品 flavored products of all types
桃子 peach melba flavor 使用 Use(s): 各种调味产品 flavored products of all types
桃子百香果味 peach passion fruit flavor 使用 Use(s): 各种调味产品 flavored products of all types
桃山核桃味 peach pecan flavor 使用 Use(s): 各种调味产品 flavored products of all types
桃李味 peach plum flavor 使用 Use(s): 各种调味产品 flavored products of all types
桃李子覆盆子味 peach plum raspberry flavor 使用 Use(s): 各种调味产品 flavored products of all types
桃子杜松子酒风味 peach schnapps flavor 使用 Use(s): 各种调味产品 flavored products of all types
桃子和奶油味 peaches and cream flavor 使用 Use(s): 各种调味产品 flavored products of all types
花生脆味 peanut brittle flavor 使用 Use(s): 各种调味产品 flavored products of all types
花生酱杯味 peanut butter cup flavor 使用 Use(s): 各种调味产品 flavored products of all types
花生酱味 peanut butter flavor 使用 Use(s): 各种调味产品 flavored products of all types
巧克力 chocolate
花生酱味 peanut butter flavor 使用 Use(s): 各种调味产品 flavored products of all types
花生馏出物 peanut distillates 使用 Use(s): 各种调味产品 flavored products of all types
花生味 peanut flavor 使用 Use(s): 各种调味产品 flavored products of all types
烤 roasted
花生味 peanut flavor 使用 Use(s): 各种调味产品 flavored products of all types
梨浆果味 pear berry flavor 使用 Use(s): 各种调味产品 flavored products of all types
多刺的 prickly
梨 pear cactus distillates 使用 Use(s): 调味剂 flavoring agents
梨馏分 pear distillates 使用 Use(s): 调味剂 flavoring agents
梨增强剂 pear enhancers 使用 Use(s): 增味剂 flavor enhancers
梨味 pear flavor 使用 Use(s): 各种调味产品 flavored products of all types
亚洲 asian
梨味 pear flavor 使用 Use(s): 各种调味产品 flavored products of all types
bartlett bartlett
梨味 pear flavor 使用 Use(s): 各种调味产品 flavored products of all types
漫画 comice
梨味 pear flavor 使用 Use(s): 各种调味产品 flavored products of all types
多刺的 prickly
梨味 pear flavor 使用 Use(s): 各种调味产品 flavored products of all types
五香 香料 spiced
梨味 pear flavor 使用 Use(s): 各种调味产品 flavored products of all types
巧克力的梨味 pear flavor for chocolate 使用 Use(s): 各种调味产品 flavored products of all types
梨姜味 pear ginger flavor 使用 Use(s): 各种调味产品 flavored products of all types
浓缩梨汁 pear juice concentrate 使用 Use(s): 调味剂 flavoring agents, 食品添加剂 Food Additives
梨 pearadise 梦想 dream flavor 使用 Use(s): 各种调味产品 flavored products of all types
山核桃焦糖味 pecan caramel flavor 使用 Use(s): 各种调味产品 flavored products of all types
山核桃奶油味 pecan cream flavor 使用 Use(s): 各种调味产品 flavored products of all types
山核桃馏出物 pecan distillates 使用 Use(s): 调味剂 flavoring agents
山核桃味 pecan flavor 使用 Use(s): 各种调味产品 flavored products of all types
烤 toasted
山核桃味 pecan flavor 使用 Use(s): 各种调味产品 flavored products of all types
山核桃碎 pecan krisp flavor 使用 Use(s): 各种调味产品 flavored products of all types
山核桃酱 pecan paste 使用 Use(s): 食品添加剂 Food Additives
山核桃果仁糖味 pecan praline flavor 使用 Use(s): 各种调味产品 flavored products of all types
佩皮塔风味 pepita flavor 使用 Use(s): 各种调味产品 flavored products of all types
黑 black
胡椒 pepper distillates CAS: 84929-41-9
EC: 284-524-7

使用 Use(s): 香精香料 flavor and fragrance agents
辣椒 chili
胡椒 pepper distillates 使用 Use(s): 调味剂 flavoring agents
绿 green
胡椒 pepper distillates 使用 Use(s): 调味剂 flavoring agents
黑 black
胡椒 pepper flavor 使用 Use(s): 各种调味产品 flavored products of all types
弗雷斯诺 fresno
胡椒 pepper flavor 使用 Use(s): 各种调味产品 flavored products of all types
绿 green
胡椒 pepper flavor 使用 Use(s): 各种调味产品 flavored products of all types
热 hot 红 red
胡椒 pepper flavor 使用 Use(s): 各种调味产品 flavored products of all types
热 hot
胡椒 pepper flavor 使用 Use(s): 各种调味产品 flavored products of all types
辣椒 jalapeno
胡椒 pepper flavor 使用 Use(s): 各种调味产品 flavored products of all types
牙买加 jamaican
胡椒 pepper flavor 使用 Use(s): 各种调味产品 flavored products of all types
山 mountain
胡椒 pepper flavor 使用 Use(s): 各种调味产品 flavored products of all types
胡椒粉 胡椒 pepperoncini
胡椒 pepper flavor 使用 Use(s): 各种调味产品 flavored products of all types
poblano poblano
胡椒 pepper flavor 使用 Use(s): 各种调味产品 flavored products of all types
烤 roasted bell bell
胡椒 pepper flavor 使用 Use(s): 各种调味产品 flavored products of all types
诺 serrano
胡椒 pepper flavor 使用 Use(s): 各种调味产品 flavored products of all types
塔巴斯科 tabasco
胡椒 pepper flavor 使用 Use(s): 各种调味产品 flavored products of all types
白 white
胡椒 pepper flavor 使用 Use(s): 各种调味产品 flavored products of all types
黑 black
胡椒 pepper 腌料 marinade 使用 Use(s): 香料 spices, 其他天然调味料和调味料 other natural seasonings and flavorings
红 red
胡椒 pepper 酱 sauce flavor 使用 Use(s): 各种调味产品 flavored products of all types
胡椒味 poblano pepper flavor 使用 Use(s): 各种调味产品 flavored products of all types
绿 green
胡椒味 poblano pepper flavor 使用 Use(s): 各种调味产品 flavored products of all types
胡椒子 胡椒 peppercorn 腌料 marinade 使用 Use(s): 香料 spices, 其他天然调味料和调味料 other natural seasonings and flavorings
薄荷馏出物 peppermint distillates 使用 Use(s): 化妆品 cosmetic, 香精香料 flavor and fragrance agents
薄荷味 peppermint flavor 使用 Use(s): 各种调味产品 flavored products of all types
意大利辣味香肠 pepperoni flavor 使用 Use(s): 各种调味产品 flavored products of all types
多年生 persea gratissima 果 fruit 菜泥 puree CAS: 84695-98-7

使用 Use(s): 调味剂和佐剂 flavoring agents and adjuvants
柿子 persimmon flavor 使用 Use(s): 各种调味产品 flavored products of all types
香蒜 pesto flavor 使用 Use(s): 各种调味产品 flavored products of all types
宠物 pet 餐饮 food flavor 使用 Use(s): 各种调味产品 flavored products of all types
香芹汁 petroselinum crispum juice 使用 Use(s): 皮肤调理化妆品成分 cosmetic ingredient for skin conditioning
制药业 pharmaceutical flavor 使用 Use(s): 各种调味产品 flavored products of all types
凤凰果汁 phoenix dactylifera fruit juice CAS: 90027-90-0
EC: 289-776-1

使用 Use(s): 皮肤调理化妆品成分 cosmetic ingredient for skin conditioning
ten Tenax叶汁 phormium tenax leaf juice 使用 Use(s): 湿润剂 humectants
余甘子果汁 phyllanthus emblica fruit juice CAS: 90028-28-7
EC: 289-817-3

使用 Use(s): 湿润剂 humectants
竹笋汁 phyllostachis bambusoides juice 使用 Use(s): 皮肤调理化妆品成分 cosmetic ingredient for skin conditioning
酸浆 physalis pubescens fruit juice 使用 Use(s): 皮肤和头发调理的化妆品成分 cosmetic ingredient for skin and hair conditioning
picante flavor 使用 Use(s): 各种调味产品 flavored products of all types
咸菜味 pickle flavor 使用 Use(s): 各种调味产品 flavored products of all types
馅饼 pie crust flavor 使用 Use(s): 各种调味产品 flavored products of all types
苹果 apple
馅饼 pie flavor 使用 Use(s): 各种调味产品 flavored products of all types
香蕉 banana 奶油 cream
馅饼 pie flavor 使用 Use(s): 各种调味产品 flavored products of all types
蓝莓 blueberry
馅饼 pie flavor 使用 Use(s): 各种调味产品 flavored products of all types
樱桃 cherry
馅饼 pie flavor 使用 Use(s): 各种调味产品 flavored products of all types
柠檬 lemon
馅饼 pie flavor 使用 Use(s): 各种调味产品 flavored products of all types
剁碎 mince
馅饼 pie flavor 使用 Use(s): 各种调味产品 flavored products of all types
南瓜 pumpkin
馅饼 pie flavor 使用 Use(s): 各种调味产品 flavored products of all types
馅饼 pie flavor 使用 Use(s): 各种调味产品 flavored products of all types
多香果馏出物 pimento distillates 使用 Use(s): 各种调味产品 flavored products of all types
多香果味 pimento flavor 使用 Use(s): 各种调味产品 flavored products of all types
粉红椰菜味 pina colada flavor 使用 Use(s): 各种调味产品 flavored products of all types
草莓 strawberry
粉红椰菜味 pina colada flavor 使用 Use(s): 各种调味产品 flavored products of all types
松香 pine flavor 使用 Use(s): 各种调味产品 flavored products of all types
菠萝椰子味 pineapple coconut flavor 使用 Use(s): 各种调味产品 flavored products of all types
菠萝馏出物 pineapple distillates 使用 Use(s): 调味剂 flavoring agents
菠萝增强剂 pineapple enhancer 使用 Use(s): 增味剂 flavor enhancers
菠萝味 pineapple flavor 使用 Use(s): 各种调味产品 flavored products of all types
酸 sour
菠萝味 pineapple flavor 使用 Use(s): 各种调味产品 flavored products of all types
菠萝柚子味 pineapple grapefruit flavor 使用 Use(s): 各种调味产品 flavored products of all types
菠萝番石榴味 pineapple guava flavor 使用 Use(s): 各种调味产品 flavored products of all types
菠萝 松树 pine苹果 apple 霍恰塔 horchata flavor 使用 Use(s): 各种调味产品 flavored products of all types
菠萝汁浓缩 pineapple juice concentrate 使用 Use(s): 调味剂 flavoring agents, 食品添加剂 Food Additives
菠萝汁香精 pineapple juice flavor 使用 Use(s): 各种调味产品 flavored products of all types
菠萝橙香蕉味 pineapple orange banana flavor 使用 Use(s): 各种调味产品 flavored products of all types
菠萝橙味 pineapple orange flavor 使用 Use(s): 各种调味产品 flavored products of all types
菠萝橙番石榴味 pineapple orange guava flavor 使用 Use(s): 各种调味产品 flavored products of all types
菠萝橙草莓味 pineapple orange strawberry flavor 使用 Use(s): 各种调味产品 flavored products of all types
菠萝木瓜味 pineapple papaya flavor 使用 Use(s): 各种调味产品 flavored products of all types
菠萝百香果味 pineapple passion fruit flavor 使用 Use(s): 各种调味产品 flavored products of all types
菠萝草莓香蕉味 pineapple strawberry banana flavor 使用 Use(s): 各种调味产品 flavored products of all types
菠萝白葡萄味 pineapple white grape flavor 使用 Use(s): 各种调味产品 flavored products of all types
长馏分油 piper longum distillate CAS: 90082-60-3
EC: 290-150-5
FEMA: 4266

使用 Use(s): 香精香料 flavor and fragrance agents
开心果黄油 pistachio butter 使用 Use(s): 调味剂 flavoring agents, 食品添加剂 Food Additives
开心果馏出物 pistachio distillates 使用 Use(s): 调味剂 flavoring agents
开心果味 pistachio flavor 使用 Use(s): 各种调味产品 flavored products of all types
阿月浑子酱 pistachio paste 使用 Use(s): 调味剂 flavoring agents, 食品添加剂 Food Additives
披萨味 pizza flavor 使用 Use(s): 各种调味产品 flavored products of all types
梅子味 plum berry flavor 使用 Use(s): 各种调味产品 flavored products of all types
李子肉桂味 plum cinnamon flavor 使用 Use(s): 各种调味产品 flavored products of all types
李子味 prune flavor 使用 Use(s): 各种调味产品 flavored products of all types
亚洲 asian 五香 香料 spiced
李子味 prune flavor 使用 Use(s): 各种调味产品 flavored products of all types
青皮 绿 greengage
李子味 prune flavor 使用 Use(s): 各种调味产品 flavored products of all types
米拉贝尔 mirabell belle
李子味 prune flavor 使用 Use(s): 各种调味产品 flavored products of all types
梅汁浓缩 plum juice concentrate 使用 Use(s): 调味剂 flavoring agents, 食品添加剂 Food Additives
李子覆盆子味 plum raspberry flavor 使用 Use(s): 各种调味产品 flavored products of all types
pomeberry flavor 使用 Use(s): 各种调味产品 flavored products of all types
石榴阿萨伊风味 pomegranate acai flavor 使用 Use(s): 各种调味产品 flavored products of all types
石榴杏味 pomegranate apricot flavor 使用 Use(s): 各种调味产品 flavored products of all types
石榴馏出液 pomegranate distillates 使用 Use(s): 调味剂 flavoring agents
石榴味 pomegranate flavor 使用 Use(s): 各种调味产品 flavored products of all types
石榴汁浓缩液 pomegranate juice concentrate 使用 Use(s): 调味剂 flavoring agents, 食品添加剂 Food Additives
石榴香草味 pomegranate vanilla flavor 使用 Use(s): 各种调味产品 flavored products of all types
柚子味 pomelo flavor 使用 Use(s): 各种调味产品 flavored products of all types
爆米花味 popcorn flavor 使用 Use(s): 各种调味产品 flavored products of all types
涂黄油 固体油 butte红 red
爆米花味 popcorn flavor 使用 Use(s): 各种调味产品 flavored products of all types
焦糖 caramel
爆米花味 popcorn flavor 使用 Use(s): 各种调味产品 flavored products of all types
罂粟 poppy 花 flower flavor 使用 Use(s): 各种调味产品 flavored products of all types
罂粟种子馏出物 poppy seed distillates 使用 Use(s): 调味剂 flavoring agents
罂粟 poppy 种子 seed flavor 使用 Use(s): 各种调味产品 flavored products of all types
猪肉味 pork flavor 使用 Use(s): 各种调味产品 flavored products of all types
bbq BBQ
猪肉味 pork flavor 使用 Use(s): 各种调味产品 flavored products of all types
烤 grilled
猪肉味 pork flavor 使用 Use(s): 各种调味产品 flavored products of all types
烤 roasted
猪肉味 pork flavor 使用 Use(s): 各种调味产品 flavored products of all types
猪肉 pork 腌料 marinade 使用 Use(s): 香料 spices, 其他天然调味料和调味料 other natural seasonings and flavorings
马齿苋汁 portulaca oleracea juice CAS: 90083-07-1
EC: 290-201-1

使用 Use(s): 皮肤调理化妆品成分 cosmetic ingredient for skin conditioning
钾盐 potassium 阻滞剂 blockers 使用 Use(s): 增味剂 flavor enhancers, 苦味阻滞剂 bitter taste blockers
薯片香精 potato chip flavor 使用 Use(s): 各种调味产品 flavored products of all types
马铃薯增强剂 potato enhancers 使用 Use(s): 增味剂 flavor enhancers
土豆味 potato flavor 使用 Use(s): 各种调味产品 flavored products of all types
烤的 baked
土豆味 potato flavor 使用 Use(s): 各种调味产品 flavored products of all types
油炸 fried
土豆味 potato flavor 使用 Use(s): 各种调味产品 flavored products of all types
甜 sweet
土豆味 potato flavor 使用 Use(s): 各种调味产品 flavored products of all types
甜 sweet
土豆 potato 漩涡 swirl flavor 使用 Use(s): 各种调味产品 flavored products of all types
家禽肉汤浓缩物 poultry broth concentrates 使用 Use(s): 香料 spices, 其他天然调味料和调味料 other natural seasonings and flavorings
家禽风味 poultry flavor 使用 Use(s): 各种调味产品 flavored products of all types
家禽 poultry 调味料 seasoning 使用 Use(s): 香料 spices, 其他天然调味料和调味料 other natural seasonings and flavorings
果仁糖风味 praline flavor 使用 Use(s): 各种调味产品 flavored products of all types
烤 toasted
果仁糖风味 praline flavor 使用 Use(s): 各种调味产品 flavored products of all types
果仁糖和奶油味 pralines and cream flavor 使用 Use(s): 各种调味产品 flavored products of all types
椒盐脆饼 pretzel flavor 使用 Use(s): 各种调味产品 flavored products of all types
西梅馏出物 prune distillates 使用 Use(s): 各种调味产品 flavored products of all types
李子味 prune flavor 使用 Use(s): 各种调味产品 flavored products of all types
西梅浓缩汁 prune juice concentrate 使用 Use(s): 调味剂 flavoring agents, 食品添加剂 Food Additives
杏子果汁 prunus armeniaca fruit juice CAS: 68650-44-2
EC: 272-046-1

使用 Use(s): 化妆品和调味剂 cosmetic and flavor agents
李 prunus 梅花 armeniaca 果 fruit 菜泥 puree CAS: 68650-44-2
EC: 272-046-1

使用 Use(s): 调味剂和佐剂 flavoring agents and adjuvants
李樱桃汁 prunus avium fruit juice CAS: 85566-22-9
EC: 287-632-2

使用 Use(s): 涩 astringent, 皮肤调理 skin conditioning
李 prunus 鸟 avium 果 fruit 菜泥 puree CAS: 85566-22-9
EC: 287-632-2

使用 Use(s): 调味剂和佐剂 flavoring agents and adjuvants
李樱桃果汁 prunus cerasus fruit juice CAS: 89997-53-5
EC: 289-688-3

使用 Use(s): 化妆品和调味剂 cosmetic and flavor agents
李果汁 prunus domestica fruit juice CAS: 90082-87-4
EC: 290-179-3

使用 Use(s): 皮肤调理化妆品成分 cosmetic ingredient for skin conditioning
李 prunus domestica 果 fruit 菜泥 puree CAS: 90082-87-4
EC: 290-179-3

使用 Use(s): 调味剂和佐剂 flavoring agents and adjuvants
樱桃汁 prunus insititia juice 使用 Use(s): 皮肤调理化妆品成分 cosmetic ingredient for skin conditioning
李梅果汁 prunus mume fruit juice 使用 Use(s): 皮肤调理化妆品成分 cosmetic ingredient for skin conditioning
紫苏果汁 prunus persica fruit juice CAS: 84012-34-0
EC: 281-678-7

使用 Use(s): 化妆品和调味剂 cosmetic and flavor agents
李 prunus 波斯卡 persica 果 fruit 菜泥 puree CAS: 84012-34-0
EC: 281-678-7

使用 Use(s): 调味剂和佐剂 flavoring agents and adjuvants
李 prunus 波斯卡 persica 油桃 nectarina 果 fruit 菜泥 puree 使用 Use(s): 调味剂和佐剂 flavoring agents and adjuvants
李水杨桃汁 prunus salicina fruit juice 使用 Use(s): 湿润剂 humectants
李浆液 prunus serotina juice CAS: 84604-07-9
EC: 283-284-0

使用 Use(s): 皮肤调理化妆品成分 cosmetic ingredient for skin conditioning
刺李果汁 prunus spinosa fruit juice CAS: 90105-94-5
EC: 290-213-7

使用 Use(s): 涩 astringent, 掩蔽剂 masking agents
番石榴果汁 psidium guajava fruit juice CAS: 91770-12-6
EC: 294-795-3

使用 Use(s): 化妆品 cosmetic, 香精香料 flavor and fragrance agents
psidium psidium 瓜瓜 guajava 果 fruit 菜泥 puree CAS: 91770-12-6
EC: 294-795-3

使用 Use(s): 调味剂和佐剂 flavoring agents and adjuvants
南瓜馏出物 pumpkin distillates 使用 Use(s): 各种调味产品 flavored products of all types
南瓜味 pumpkin flavor 使用 Use(s): 各种调味产品 flavored products of all types
枫 maple
南瓜味 pumpkin flavor 使用 Use(s): 各种调味产品 flavored products of all types
南瓜 pumpkin 果汁 juice 浓缩 concentrate 使用 Use(s): 调味剂 flavoring agents, 食品添加剂 Food Additives
南瓜山核桃味 pumpkin pecan flavor 使用 Use(s): 各种调味产品 flavored products of all types
南瓜派香料味 pumpkin pie spice flavor 使用 Use(s): 各种调味产品 flavored products of all types
南瓜香料味 pumpkin spice flavor 使用 Use(s): 各种调味产品 flavored products of all types
拳打味 punch flavor 使用 Use(s): 各种调味产品 flavored products of all types
拳打味 punch flavor 使用 Use(s): 各种调味产品 flavored products of all types
樱桃 cherry
拳打味 punch flavor 使用 Use(s): 各种调味产品 flavored products of all types
柑橘类 citrus 果 fruit
拳打味 punch flavor 使用 Use(s): 各种调味产品 flavored products of all types
柑橘类 citrus
拳打味 punch flavor 使用 Use(s): 各种调味产品 flavored products of all types
香菜 coriand ander
拳打味 punch flavor 使用 Use(s): 各种调味产品 flavored products of all types
果 fruit
拳打味 punch flavor 使用 Use(s): 各种调味产品 flavored products of all types
夏威夷 hawaiian
拳打味 punch flavor 使用 Use(s): 各种调味产品 flavored products of all types
芒果 mango
拳打味 punch flavor 使用 Use(s): 各种调味产品 flavored products of all types
红 red
拳打味 punch flavor 使用 Use(s): 各种调味产品 flavored products of all types
拳打味 punch flavor 使用 Use(s): 各种调味产品 flavored products of all types
拳打味 punch flavor 使用 Use(s): 各种调味产品 flavored products of all types
酸 sour
拳打味 punch flavor 使用 Use(s): 各种调味产品 flavored products of all types
热带 tropical 果 fruit
拳打味 punch flavor 使用 Use(s): 各种调味产品 flavored products of all types
黄 yellow 热带 tropical 柑橘类 citrus
拳打味 punch flavor 使用 Use(s): 各种调味产品 flavored products of all types
黄 yellow 热带 tropical
拳打味 punch flavor 使用 Use(s): 各种调味产品 flavored products of all types
石榴颗粒果汁 punica granatum fruit juice CAS: 84961-57-9
EC: 284-646-0

使用 Use(s): 化妆品和调味剂 cosmetic and flavor agents
紫色 purple 喜 delight flavor 使用 Use(s): 各种调味产品 flavored products of all types
焦木酸山核桃 pyroligneous acids hickory CAS: 74113-74-9
FEMA: 4222

使用 Use(s): 香精香料 flavor and fragrance agents
焦糖果汁 pyrus bretschneideri fruit juice 使用 Use(s): 润肤剂 emollients
樟子汁 pyrus communis fruit juice CAS: 90082-43-2
EC: 290-131-1

使用 Use(s): 涩 astringent, 皮肤调理 skin conditioning
pyrus communis 果 fruit 菜泥 puree CAS: 90082-43-2
EC: 290-131-1

使用 Use(s): 调味剂和佐剂 flavoring agents and adjuvants
pycydonia果汁 CAS: 90106-03-9
EC: 290-223-1

使用 Use(s): 涩 astringent, 补剂 tonic agents
梨属苹果汁 pyrus malus fruit juice CAS: 85251-63-4
EC: 286-475-7

使用 Use(s): 化妆品和调味剂 cosmetic and flavor agents
pyrus 海棠 malus 果 fruit 菜泥 puree CAS: 85251-63-4
EC: 286-475-7

使用 Use(s): 调味剂和佐剂 flavoring agents and adjuvants
火棘果汁 pyrus pyrifolia fruit juice 使用 Use(s): 润肤剂 emollients
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