Typical G.C. analysis

白念珠菌希腊油 cerastium candidissimum corr. oil greece
11trace(E)-beta- damascone
8trace(E,e)-2 E)-2,4- decadienal
63.70  can decanal
2trace  癸烷 decane
101.806,10- dimethyl-2-undecanone
18trace(E,E)- 醋酸法呢酯 farnesyl acetate
194.20  法呢基丙酮 farnesyl acetone
1213.50  香叶基丙酮 geranyl acetone
14.70  heptanal
1721.70  hexahydrofanesyl acetone
16trace(Z)-3- hexen-1-yl be benzoate
1411.10(E)-beta- ionone
1317.303- methyl tetradecane
510.50  nonanal
3trace  octanal
15trace  十五烷 pentadecane
4trace  苯乙醛 phenyl acetaldehyde
79.00  十一醛 undecanal
9trace(E)-2- 十一年代 undecenal
J. of Ess. 油 Oil Res. 12, 6 No. 6, 691, (2000)
埃斯韦利亚(Eschweilera)coriacea coriacea(a。p。dc dc。)森花油巴西
301.50  苯甲酸苄酯 benzyl benzoate
270.70be beta- 石竹烯 caryophyllene
230.30(E,e)-2 E)-2,4- decadienal
60.90  癸烷 decane
200.50  十二烷 dodecane
151.70(E)-2- 十二烯醛 dodecenal
160.50  苯甲酸乙酯 ethyl benzoate
21.00  糠醛 furfural
111.60  hexanal
44.30  hexanol
31.40(E)-2- hexenal
290.80(Z)-3- hexen-1-yl be benzoate
122.60  linalool
111.20(E)- 芳樟醇氧化物 linalool oxide furanoid
101.80(Z)- 芳樟醇氧化物 linalool oxide furanoid
251.30(E)- 肉桂酸甲酯 methyl cinnamate
170.40  乙酸甲基苯酯 methyl phenyl acetate
280.20(E)- 橙花醇 nerolidol
242.20gamma- 非内酯 壬内酯 nonalactone
130.90  nonanal
923.40(E)-beta- 罗勒烯 ocimene
71.40(Z)-beta- 罗勒烯 ocimene
312.60  棕榈酸 palmitic acid
50.802- pentyl 呋喃 furan
210.802- 醋酸苯乙酯 phenethyl acetate
146.802- 苯乙醇 phenethyl alcohol
82.40  苯乙醛 phenyl acetaldehyde
180.30  terpinen-4-ol
193.20alpha- 松油醇 terpineol
260.20  tetradecane
220.30  十三烷 tridecane
J. of Ess. 油 Oil Res. 12, 2 No. 2, 163, (2000)
阿魏叶油 ferula cupularis leaf oil
化学的 Chemical 组成 composition 抗菌的 antibacterial 活动 activity of the essential oils from 花 flower, 叶 leaf stem of Ferula cupularis 生长 growing 野生 wild in 伊朗 Iran
1630.37  牛儿烯、双环吉马烯 bicyclogermacrene
1536.55  降冰片烯丙酸酯 bornyl angelate
1640.31delta- cadinene
1062.69  樟脑 camphene
1002.90delta-2- carene carene
1600.17  石竹烯氧化物 caryophyllene oxide
1512.63  丁酸香茅酯 citronellyl butyrate
1082.37  癸烷 decane
1305.02  乙酸二氢芳樟醇 dihydrolinalool acetate
1701.66be beta- eudesmol
1571.87  乙酸烯丁酯 eugenyl acetate
1610.11  丁酸香叶酯 geranyl butyrate
1680.21  guaiol
1155.78trans-iso柠檬烯 limonene
1390.20para- menth-1-en-9-yl acetate
1134.05para- 薄荷 mentha-1,5,8-triene
9930.22be beta- myrcene
1230.14  neral
1166.08allo- 罗勒烯 ocimene
1049.05be beta- 罗勒烯 ocimene
1172.68neo-allo-罗勒烯 ocimene
1361.65  十八运河 octadecanal
1310.773- octen-1-yl acetate
2140.72  甾醇 osthol
1092.36alpha- 芹菜烯 phellandrene
1104.18be beta- 芹菜烯 phellandrene
10713.87be beta- 松油萜、蒎烯 pinene
1220.62(Z)- 桧烯 sabinene 水合物 hydrate acetate
1651.13  芦丁烯醇 spathulenol
1203.45  terpinen-4-ol
1111.25alpha- terpinene
1463.70alpha- 异丁酸叔丁酯 terpinyl isobutyrate
1411.39neo-iso- 醋酸马来酸 verbenyl acetate
Ziba Alipour, Poroshat Taheri, Nasrin Samadi 部 Department of 生物学 Biology, Faculty of Science, r Roudehen 伊斯兰的 Islamic azad Azad 大学 University, 德黑兰 Tehran, 伊朗 Iran, 2部 Department of 化学 Chemistry, 学校 School of Art &amp & Science, 案件 Case 西 Western 保留 Reserve 大学 University, 克利夫兰 Cleveland, oh OH, 联合的 United 州 State, 3部 Department of 药品 Drug Food 控制 Control, Faculty of 药店 Pharmacy 生物技术 Biotechnology 研究 Research 中央 Center, 德黑兰 Tehran 大学 University of 医疗 中 m Medical Sciences, 德黑兰 Tehran, 伊朗 Iran
金缕梅叶油 hamamelis virginiana leaf oil
 0.01  苯甲酸苄酯 benzyl benzoate
 trace  苯甲酸丁酯 butyl benzoate
 0.05  卡达琳 cadalene
 0.04delta- cadinene
 0.21be beta- 石竹烯 caryophyllene
 0.07  环己 cyclosativene
 trace(E)-beta- 大马士革酮 damascenone
 0.03  can decanal
30.01  癸烷 decane
 0.28  多沙醛 docosanal
181.27  十二烷 dodecane
 0.21  二十烷醇 docosanol
 0.20  dodecanal
40.03  十二烷 dodecane
 0.69  酒石酸 dotriacontane
 trace  二十烷醛 eicosanal
150.60  二十烷 eicosane
 0.02  二十烷醇 eicosanol
 0.16  十六烷酸乙酯 ethyl hexadecanoate
 0.09  亚油酸乙酯 ethyl linolenate
 0.05  亚油酸乙酯 ethyl linolenate
 0.06  油酸乙酯 ethyl oleate
 0.09 ethyl tetradecane
 0.01  十四烷酸乙酯 ethyl tetradecanoate
 0.05alpha- eudesmol
 0.02gamma- eudesmol
 1.47(E,E)-alpha- farnesene
 0.08alpha- farnesene
 1.74  香叶醇 geraniol
 0.07  香叶基丙酮 geranyl acetone
 0.01  香叶酸香叶酯 geranyl formate
 0.47  香叶基芳樟醇 geranyl linalool
 1.14 henitritriacontane
 16.12  heptacosane
120.31  heptacosane
 0.052- heptadecanone
 0.91  六乙醛 hexacosanal
 2.27  hexacosane
 0.15  十六醛 hexadecanal
100.07  十hexadecane
 1.62  十六烷酸 hexadecanoic acid
 0.10  十六醇 hexadecanol
110.161- hexadecyne
 0.13  hexanol
 0.19(Z)-3- 己烯-1-醇 hexen-1-ol
 0.02(E)-2-hexen-1-yl (E)-2-hexenoate
 trace(Z)-3- hexen-1-yl (E)-2-hexenoate
 0.15(Z)-3-hexen-1-yl 2-or-3-methyl butyrate
 0.06(Z)-3- hexen-1-yl angelate or tiglate
 0.30(Z)-3- hexen-1-yl be benzoate
 0.14(E)-2- hexen-1-yl butyrate
 trace(Z)-3- hexen-1-yl butyrate
 0.03(E)-2- hexen-1-yl hexanoate
 0.23(Z)-3- hexen-1-yl hexanoate
 trace(Z)-3- hexen-1-yl octanoate
 0.01(Z)-3- hexen-1-yl salicylate
 trace  己酯 hexyl tiglate
 trace  丁烯醇 hotrienol
 0.05alpha- humulene
 trace hydroxyedulan-1
 0.08be beta- ionone
 0.02  考琳 kaurene
 3.74  linalool
 0.12(E)- 芳樟醇氧化物 linalool oxide
 0.31(Z)- 芳樟醇氧化物 linalool oxide
 0.10  马诺 manool
 0.03  氧化锰 manoyl oxide
190.022- methyl 十二烷 dodecane
 0.11  二十二酸甲酯 methyl docosanoate
 0.04  二十烷酸甲酯 methyl eicosanoate
160.022- methyl hen二十烷 eicosane
170.013- methyl hen二十烷 eicosane
 0.06 methyl henitritriacontane
 0.083- methyl heptacosane
 0.05 methyl hexacosane
 0.222-methyl hexacosane
 0.043- methyl hexacosane
 0.33  十六烷酸甲酯 methyl hexadecanoate
 0.09  亚油酸甲酯 methyl linolenate
 0.47  亚油酸甲酯 methyl linolenate
 0.21 methyl 壬二十烷 nonacosane
 0.03 methyl 十八烷 nonadecanal
 0.072- methyl 十八烷 nonadecanal
 0.083- methyl 十八烷 nonadecanal
 0.13  油酸甲酯 methyl oleate
 0.182- methyl 五烷 pentacosane
 0.153- methyl 五烷 pentacosane
 0.054- methyl 五烷 pentacosane
 0.03 methyl tetradecane
 0.024- methyl tetradecane
 0.15  十四酸甲酯 methyl tetracosanoate
70.273- methyl tetradecane
 0.03  十四烷酸甲酯 methyl tetradecanoate
 0.132- methyl tritriacontane
 0.043- methyl tritriacontane
 0.04  月桂烯醇 myrcenol
 0.03  橙花醇 nerol
 0.09  氧化橙花醇 nerol oxide
 0.17(E)- 橙花醇 nerolidol
 7.12  壬二十烷 nonacosane
 0.03  十八烷 nonadecanal
140.78  十八烷 nonadecanal
 0.62  nonanal
20.01  nonane
 0.11  nonanoic acid
 0.09  nonanol
 0.28  八面体 octacosanal
 1.75  十八烷 nonadecanal
130.12  十八烷 nonadecanal
 trace  十八醇 octadecanol
 0.03  octanal
10.59  辛烷 octane
 trace  辛基酚聚醚 octanol
 0.031- 辛烯-3-醇 octen-3-ol
 10.99  五烷 pentacosane
 0.13  十五运河 pentadecanal
80.10  十五烷 pentadecane
 0.042- pentadecanone
 9.79(E)- 植醇 phytol
 0.68异 iso 植醇 phytol
 0.07异 iso propyl tetradecanoate
 trace  缩醛 riesling acetal
 0.03be beta- santalene
 0.09  squalene
 1.06alpha- 松油醇 terpineol
 0.39  四co tetracosanal
 2.59  tetradecane
 0.081- 并四烯 tetracosene
 0.05  tetradecanal
60.23  tetradecane
 0.30  四金刚烷 tetratriacontane
 1.14  tritriacontane
 0.68  tritriacontane
2010.38  十三烷 tridecane
 0.24  十三can tridecanal
50.54  十三烷 tridecane
 0.042- 十三烷酮 tridecanone
 0.211,1,6- 三甲基-1 trimethyl-1,2-dihydronaphthalene
 0.011,1,6- 三甲基-1 trimethyl-1,2,3,4-tetrahydronaphthalene
90.234,8,12- 三甲基-1 trimethyl-1,3,7,11-tridecatetraene
 0.706,10,14- trimethyl-2-pentadecanone
 0.80ar- 姜黄酮 turmerone
 0.42  十一醛 undecanal
 0.03(E)-2- 十一年代 undecenal
 0.21  viridiflorol
 0.09  灭螺灵 vitispirane

R. Engel, M. Gutmann, C. h Harisch, H. Koloclziej A. Nahstedt, 研究 Study on the 组成 composition of the 易挥发的 volatile fraction of 金缕梅 h Hamamelis virginiana. 植物 Planta 中 m Med., 64, 251-258 (1998).

p&amp P&amp &F 24, 4 No. 4, 31, (1999)

lecythis lecythis 乌贼 usitata 米尔斯 miers。变种帕拉森河(ducke ducke)坤花油巴西
80.20para- 茴香醛 anisaldehyde
22.40  benzaldehyde
30.20  癸烷 decane
70.20  十二烷 dodecane
90.40  吲哚 indole
522.10  linalool
120.20ortho-methoxy-2-苯乙醇 phenethyl alcohol
102.202- methyl-6-propyl phenol
11.10  nonane
150.10  十五烷 pentadecane
640.802- 苯乙醇 phenethyl alcohol
140.102- phenethyl butyrate
160.102- 苯乙乙酸苯酯 phenethyl phenyl acetate
428.20  苯乙醛 phenyl acetaldehyde
130.10  tetradecane
110.10  十三烷 tridecane
J. of Ess. 油 Oil Res. 12, 2 No. 2, 163, (2000)
薄荷油x胡椒油CO2提取物 mentha x piperita oil CO2 extract
r Reverchon r Reverchon et al. (1994) 比较 compared the 组成 composition of a 超临界 supercritical CO2 extract (sfe SFE) of 薄荷 peppermint under 二 two 分离 separate 套 sets of 条件 conditions with a 样品 sample of 薄荷 peppermintoil produced by 加氢蒸馏 hydrodistillation. The 结果 results of the GC GC/ms m MS 分析 analyses of the 易挥发的 volatile 专心 concentrates of 薄荷 peppermintoil 薄荷 peppermint produced by sfe SFE can be be 看过 seen in 表 Table 八 VIII. 注意 Note: 只要 Only the sfe SFE-2 (T:40C, P:120 酒吧 bar) 将 will be be 显示 shown as follows:
180.20  bornyl acetate
220.70be beta- 波旁烯 bourbonene
295.00gamma- cadinene
330.60T- cadinol
310.40(E)- 菖蒲烯 calamenene
244.30be beta- 石竹烯 caryophyllene
320.20  石竹烯氧化物 caryophyllene oxide
63.601,8- 桉树脑 cineole
21tracealpha- 荜澄茄/山苍子 cubebe bene
50.10  癸烷 decane
130.20  二氢香芹酚 dihydrocarveol
230.90be beta- elemene
300.40gamma- elemene
270.60be beta- farnesene
250.20be beta- 古尔烯 gurjunene
26tracealpha- humulene
160.60  乙酸芳樟酯 linalyl acetate
1123.80  薄荷脑 menthol
120.20异 iso 薄荷脑 menthol
936.10  menthone
107.50异 iso menthone
1911.70  乙酸薄荷酯 menthyl acetate
200.20异 iso 乙酸薄荷酯 menthyl acetate
170.20neo 乙酸薄荷酯 menthyl acetate
28tracegamma- 茂烯 muurolene
30.20  myrcene
70.20(Z)-beta- 罗勒烯 ocimene
40.103- 辛基酚聚醚 octanol
10.20alpha- 松油萜、蒎烯 pinene
20.50be beta- 松油萜、蒎烯 pinene
150.60  piperitone
140.30  长叶薄荷酮、胡薄荷酮 pulegone

E. r Reverchon r Reverchon, A. Ambruosi F. Senatore, 隔离 Isolation of 薄荷 peppermintoil 使用 using s超临界 supercritical CO2 extraction. Flav. Fragr. J., 9, 19-23 (1994).

p&amp P&amp &F 22, 4 No. 4, 57, (1997)

海桐 pittosporum spp spp。马来西亚果油
50.10  樟脑 camphene
130.70be beta- 石竹烯 caryophyllene
9trace  癸烷 decane
153.30  germacrene D
19.30  heptacosane
140.20alpha- humulene
100.70  柠檬烯 limonene
81.30  myrcene
313.60  nonane
110.20(E)-beta- 罗勒烯 ocimene
20.10  辛烷 octane
460.20alpha- 松油萜、蒎烯 pinene
78.90be beta- 松油萜、蒎烯 pinene
60.30  桧烯 sabinene
120.40  undecane
J. of Ess. 油 Oil Res. 12, 2 No. 2, 205, (2000)
乌尔瓦·斯蒂卡油希腊 ulva rigida oil greece
192.90  苯并噻唑 benzothiazole
51.702,3- butane diol
11.40  cyclohexane
2012.40(E,Z)-2,4- decadienal
161.20  can decanal
101.40  癸烷 decane
20.901,1- dichloropropane
151.30  十二烷 dodecane
91.202- ethoxybutane
111.402- 乙基己醇 ethyl hexanol
75.602- heptanone
222.00  十hexadecane
1415.001- methyl-3-(1-methyl ethyl)be benzene
132.20  nonanal
181.60  nonanoic acid
233.30  十八烷 nonadecanal
41.002- pentanol
171.602- 苯氧乙醇 phenoxyethanol
211.20  tetradecane
81.10  甲烷三溴甲烷 tribromamethane
31.202,4,5- 三甲基-1 trimethyl-1,3-dioxolane
121.80  undecane
J. of Ess. 油 Oil Res. 12, 2 No. 2, 201, (2000)