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Flavor 描述符 Descriptors for onion
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主 Primary (第一 First) - onion
FL/fr Fr R2-acetyl 噻吩 thiophene
 odor: 含硫坚果榛子核桃 sulfurous nutty hazelnut walnut
 flavor: onion, 麦芽 malty, 烤 roasted
FL 葱属 allium porrum 提取 extract
 odor: 葱 alliaceous onion
 flavor: 葱 alliaceous onion
FL allyl 二硫化物 di硫化物 sulfide
 odor: 多汁的 Alliceous, 洋葱和大蒜 onion and garlic-喜欢 like with 金属的 metallic 细微差别 细微差别 nuances
 flavor: 绿 green 洋葱和大蒜 onion and garlic-Iike with 多肉的 meaty 细微差别 细微差别 nuances
FL allyl 硫醇 mercaptan
 odor: 含硫的 Sulfuraceous and 胶质的 Alliaceous, 洋葱和大蒜炒 sauteed onion and garlic, 烤 roasted, 烤 grilled and 烧焦的 charred 多肉的 meaty 细微差别 细微差别 nuances
 flavor: 葱 alliaceous onion, 大蒜 garlic and 韭葱 leek. it It 已 has 多肉的 meaty 肉汤 bouillon savory 细微差别 细微差别 nuances
FL allyl 硫代丙酸酯 thiopropionate
 odor: 新鲜 Fresh 洋葱大蒜 onion garlic-喜欢 like with 绿 green 高气的 gas gassy 细微差别 细微差别 nuances
 flavor: 新鲜 Fresh onion with a 绿 green 甜 sweet 蔬菜 vegetable 细微差别 nuance
 丙烷亚磺酸苄酯 benzyl propanesulfinate
 odor: 煮的白菜酸菜 cooked cabbage sauerkraut
 flavor: 洋葱牛肉 onion-牛肉 beef broth broth
 环戊基丙烷亚磺酸盐 cyclopentyl propanesulfinate
 odor: 甜洋葱 sweet onion
 flavor: 甜 sweet 味道 taste of 蒸熟 steamed 洋葱 onions
FL 二烯丙基 diallyl 多硫化物 poly硫化物 sulfides
 odor: 大蒜洋葱 garlic onion
 flavor: 含硫的 Sulfuraceous
FL 二烯丙基 diallyl tetra硫化物 sulfide
 odor: 强大 strong 大蒜洋葱 garlic onion
 flavor: 含硫的 Sulfuraceous
FL 二烯丙基 diallyl 三硫化物 tri硫化物 sulfide
 odor: 大蒜 garlic 绿 green 金属洋葱 alliaceous onion metallic
 flavor: 硫磺洋葱 sulfurous onion green onion
FL 二环己基 dicyclohexyl 二硫化物 di硫化物 sulfide
 odor: 胶质的 Alliaceous, onion, 蛋 egg, 坚果皮 nut skin, 咖啡 coffee, 蛤 clam, 螃蟹 crab and 咖啡 coffee
 flavor: 洋葱 Onion, 多肉的 meaty, 蛤 clam, 螃蟹 crab, 咖啡和coffee and cocoa
2,4-dimethyl-1,3-二硫杂环戊烷 3-dithiolane
 flavor: 洋葱金属硫 onion metallic sulfurous
 odor: 硫葱洋葱 sulfurous onion cooked onion
 flavor: 葱煮熟的蔬菜坚果 cooked onion cooked vegetable nutty
 odor: 蒜香烤 alliaceous roasted
 flavor: 洋葱大蒜金属的 onion garlic metallic
FL/fr Fr R ethyl 2-mercaptopropionate
 odor: 含硫的 sulfury 多肉的 meaty 葱 alliaceous onion
 flavor: 洋葱煮大蒜 onion cooked garlic
 糠基丙基硫 furfuryl propyl sulfide
 flavor: onion
FL furfuryl isopropyl 硫化物 sulfide
 odor: 咖啡美味肉质花香 coffee savory meaty floral
 flavor: onion
 odor: 穿透性 penetrating 尖锐 sharp 葱 alliaceous onions
 flavor: 燃烧洋葱 burning onions
FL 甲硫醇 methionol
 odor: 略带洋葱皮,带有甜味 SuIfureous and onion-like with a sweet, savory, 汤煮的 soupy-熟的 cooked 蔬菜 vegetable 细微差别 nuance
 flavor: 洋葱和大蒜一样 Onion- and garlic-like, with a savory 弹状的 bouillion-喜欢 like 注意 note
2-methyl-1,3-二硫 3-dithiane
 flavor: 金属洋葱 alliaceous onion metallic
4-methyl-1,3-二硫 3-dithiane
 flavor: 洋葱大蒜番茄硫 onion garlic tomato sulfurous
 flavor: 洋葱金属煮熟的牛肉炖蔬菜 onion metallic cooked beef braised vegetable
 flavor: 洋葱生菜 onion rooty vegetable
4-methyl-1,3-二硫杂环戊烷 3-dithiolane
 odor: 硫磺蒜香番茄 sulfurous alliaceous tomato
 flavor: 洋葱生菜 onion rooty vegetable
 丙烷亚磺酸甲酯 methyl propanesulfinate
 odor: 熟的 cooked onion with 果味的 fruity and 光 light 甜 sweet 香气 aroma back笔记 注意 notes back笔记 注意 notes
 flavor: 甜洋葱 sweet onion 果汁 juice 字符 character with a 燃烧的 burning 感觉 sensation
FL methyl propyl 二硫化物 di硫化物 sulfide
 odor: 含硫的 Sulfuraceous, 胶质的 Alliaceous, 萝卜 radish, 芥末 mustard, 番茄 tomato, 土豆和大蒜 potato and garlic
 flavor: 洋葱 Onion, 大蒜 garlic, 番茄 tomato, 土豆 potato, 胶质的 Alliaceous and 植物 vegetative
2-methyl-5-propyl 噻吩 thiophene
 flavor: onion
FL methyl propyl 三硫化物 tri硫化物 sulfide
 odor: 含硫的 Sulfuraceous, onion, 大蒜 garlic, 绿 green, 金属的 metallic and 清洁 clean with a 熟的 cooked 葱 alliaceous onion 细微差别 nuance
 flavor: 洋葱 Onion, 大蒜 garlic, 新鲜 fresh and 金属的 metallic with a 起司 cheese 细微差别 nuance
fd FD onion
 flavor: onion
fd FD绿 green onion
fd FD绿 green onion
FL onion flavor
FL焦糖 caramelized onion flavor
FL油炸 fried onion flavor
FL绿 green onion flavor
FL绿 green onion flavor
FL烤 grilled onion flavor
FLmaui onion flavor
FLred onion flavor
FL烤 roasted onion flavor
FL炒 sauteed onion flavor
FL烤 toasted onion flavor
FLvidalia onion flavor
FLwhite onion flavor
FLyellow onion flavor
FL onion 果汁 juice 浓缩 concentrate
 flavor: onion
FL/fr Fr R onion 油 oil
 odor: 令 讨厌的 obnoxious 硫化物 sulfide onion
 flavor: 葱 alliaceous onion
FL/fr Fr R onion 油 oil CO2 提取 extract
 odor: 令 讨厌的 obnoxious 硫化物 sulfide onion
 flavor: onion
FL/fr Fr R onion 油 oil 荷兰 dutch
 odor: 令 讨厌的 obnoxious 硫化物 sulfide onion
 flavor: onion
FL/fr Fr R onion 油 oil 埃及 egypt
 odor: 令 讨厌的 obnoxious 硫化物 sulfide onion
 flavor: onion
FL onion 油 oil 补充剂 extenders
 flavor: onion
FL/fr Fr R onion 油 oil 墨西哥 mexico
 flavor: onion
FL onion oleoresin
 flavor: onion
FL油炸 fried onion oleoresin
 flavor: 洋葱炒 onion fried
FL/fr Fr R绿 green onion oleoresin
 flavor: 葱 alliaceous onion
FL/fr Fr R绿 green onion oleoresin
 flavor: 葱 alliaceous onion
FL炒 sauteed 甜 sweet onion oleoresin
 flavor: onion
 丙亚磺酸丙酯 propyl propanesulfinate
 odor: 甜 sweet 新鲜 fresh onion 果汁 juice
 flavor: 强大 strong onion
FL propyl 硫代乙酸酯 thioacetate
 odor: 亚硫酸葱 Sulfureous green onion, 大蒜 garlic, 葱 alliaceous onion, 绿新鲜 green fresh, 植物 vegetative
 flavor: 洋葱 Onion, 大蒜硫 garlic sulfureous, 胶质的 Alliaceous with a 新鲜 fresh 绿 green 细微差别 nuance
FL 葱 alliaceous onion flavor
FL 葱 shallot flavor
FL油炸 fried 葱 shallot flavor
FL烤 roasted 葱 shallot flavor
FL烤 toasted 葱 shallot flavor
FL 葱 shallot 油 oil
 odor: 胶质的 Alliaceous 含硫洋葱 sulfurous onion
 flavor: 甜 Sweet, 含硫的 Sulfuraceous, 胶质的 Alliaceous, 泼辣 pungent with a 烤洋葱 烤 toasted-onion 细微差别 nuance
FL 葱 shallot oleoresin
 flavor: onion
FL油炸 fried 葱 shallot oleoresin
 flavor: 炸洋葱 fried onion
 odor: 胶质的 Alliaceous, 熟的 cooked 多肉的 meaty with 绿 green 蔬菜 vegetable 细微差别 细微差别 nuances
 flavor: 葱洋葱大蒜咖啡细香葱 alliaceous onion garlic coffee chive
FL 松露 truffle 硫化物 sulfide
 odor: 泼辣 Pungent, 金属的 metallic, 胶质的 Alliaceous, 大蒜 garlic and 芥末 mustard 喜欢 like with 蘑菇 mushroom and 辣根 horseradish 细微差别 细微差别 nuances
 flavor: 胶质的 Alliaceous, 含硫的新鲜洋葱和大蒜样,白菜的十字花科蔬菜有细微差别 sulfurous fresh onion and garlic-like with cruciferous vegetable nuances of cabbage, 辣的 spicy 细微差别 细微差别 nuances of 芥末 mustard and 辣根 horseradish
第二 Secondary (第二 Second) - onion
FL allyl 二硫化物 di硫化物 sulfide
 odor: 多汁的 Alliceous, 洋葱和大蒜 onion and garlic-喜欢 like with 金属的 metallic 细微差别 细微差别 nuances
 flavor: 绿 green 洋葱和大蒜 onion and garlic-Iike with 多肉的 meaty 细微差别 细微差别 nuances
FL allyl 硫化物 sulfide
 odor: 泼辣 Pungent, 含硫的 Sulfuraceous, onion-大蒜 garlic and 辣根 horseradish-喜欢 like with a 金属的 metallic 细微差别 nuance
 flavor: 含硫的 Sulfuraceous, onion-大蒜 garlic and 植物 vegetative 萝卜 radish-喜欢 like with a 略 轻微 s光 lightly 热 hot 细微差别 nuance
FL 固体油 butter 洋葱大蒜 onion garlic flavor
FL 细香葱 chive 提取 extract
 flavor: 细香葱 chive
FL 细香葱 chive flavor
FL 环戊基 cyclopentyl 硫醇 mercaptan
 odor: 胶质的 Alliaceous, onion, 大蒜 garlic, 辣根 horseradish, 蔬菜芹菜 vegetable-celery, 蛋 egg, 炒 sauteed 肉 meat
 flavor: 胶质的 Alliaceous, onion, 大蒜 garlic, 辣根 horseradish, 肉 meat, 蛋 egg, 烧了 burned, 蔬菜 vegetable, 芹菜 celery
FL diethyl 二硫化物 di硫化物 sulfide
 odor: 肥腻的成熟洋葱油腻的大蒜 gassy ripe onion greasy garlic
 flavor: 高气的 gas gassy onion
2,4-dimethyl-1,3-二硫 3-dithiane
 flavor: 金属洋葱 alliaceous onion metallic
1,3-di硫醇 thiolane
 odor: 甜 sweet 含硫洋葱 sulfurous onion
 flavor: 甜硫磺成熟洋葱 sweet sulfurous ripe onion
FL/fr Fr R ethyl (E)-2-crotonate
 odor: 泼辣 Pungent, 化学和扩散 chemical and diffusive, with 甜 sweet 胶质的 Alliaceous and 焦糖 caramellic 朗姆酒样 rum-喜欢 like 细微差别 细微差别 nuances
 flavor: 发霉的 Musty, 洋葱和大蒜 onion and garlic, 焦糖 caramellic and 棕色 brown 笔记 注意 notes
FL/fr Fr R ethyl methyl mercaptopropionate
 odor: 含硫的 Sulfuraceous, 金属的 metallic, 菠萝 pineapple, 果味成熟 fruity ripe, 稀烂 pulpy and 番茄 tomato
 flavor: 含硫的 Sulfuraceous, 洋葱大蒜 onion garlic, 菠萝 pineapple, 谣言 rumy, 植物 vegetative
FLS-ethyl 硫代乙酸酯 thioacetate
 odor: 含硫的 Sulfuraceous, 果味的 fruity, onion / 大蒜 garlic with 多肉的 meaty 细微差别 细微差别 nuances
 flavor: 含硫的 Sulfuraceous, onion / 大蒜 garlic with a 甜 sweet 果味的 fruity 回味 after味道 taste
FL/fr Fr R1-furfuryl 吡咯 pyrrole
 odor: 塑料绿蜡状果味咖啡蔬菜 plastic green waxy fruity coffee vegetable
 flavor: 植物 vegetative, onion, 尖锐 sharp and 金属的 metallic
2-(furyl-2)-乙硫醇 -ethan硫醇 thiol acetate
 flavor: 烧了 burned, onion, 蘑菇 mushroom
2-(2-furyl)乙硫醇 ethane硫醇 thiol
 flavor: 烧了 burned, onion, 焦糖 caramel
2-(1-mercaptoethyl) 呋喃 furan
 flavor: 焦糖焦洋葱 burnt onion caramellic
FL3-mercapto-2-甲基-1 2-methyl-1-butanol
 odor: 含硫的 Sulfuraceous
 flavor: 强洋葱状 strong onion-like, 肉汤 brothy
 odor: 穿透性 penetrating 尖锐 sharp 葱 alliaceous onions
 flavor: 燃烧洋葱 burning onions
FL 方法 methional diethyl acetal
 odor: 辛辣白菜 pungent cabbage
 flavor: 蘑菇洋葱绿甜番茄大蒜 mushroom onion green sweet tomato garlic
FL methyl ethyl 二硫化物 di硫化物 sulfide
 odor: 含硫的 Sulfuraceous 松露 truffle
 flavor: 含硫洋葱 sulfurous onion
FL/fr Fr R methyl furfuryl 二硫化物 di硫化物 sulfide
 odor: 烤咖啡 Roasted coffee, 含硫的熟肉和肝 sulfurous cooked meat and liver, 洋葱和大蒜 onion and garlic 细微差别 细微差别 nuances. 轻微 S光 light 蛋黄 eggy 底色 undertones
 flavor: 烤咖啡 Roasted coffee, 烤洋葱和大蒜 toasted onion and garlic, with 烤 roasted 牛肉 beef and 油炸 fried 猪肉 pork 细微差别 细微差别 nuances
FL methyl 3-mercaptobutanoate
 flavor: 辛辣的洋葱 pungent alliaceous onion
FL methyl 5-methyl furfuryl 硫化物 sulfide
 flavor: 芥末 mustard, 洋葱状 onion-like
FL焦糖 caramelized onion oleoresin
 flavor: 焦糖硫洋葱 sulfurous onion caramellic
 吡嗪甲基乙基硫醚 pyrazinemethyl ethyl sulfide
 flavor: 卷心菜 cabbage, onion
FL 硫丁定 thialdine
 odor: 含硫坚果榛子玉米多肉土肉 meat
 flavor: 硫葱萝卜大蒜煮洋葱土肉汤 sulfurous green onion radish garlic cooked onion earthy brothy
2-(thienyl-2)-乙硫醇 -乙硫醇 ethane硫醇 thiol acetate
 flavor: 烧了 burned, onion
 odor: 多肉的 meaty,含硫的 Sulfuraceous, onion, 大蒜 garlic, 蛋 egg, 化学的 chemical, 橡胶 rubber, naphthyl and 发霉的 Musty
 flavor: 多肉的 meaty, onion, 大蒜 garlic, 化学的 chemical and 金属的 metallic
FL2,4,6-trithiaheptane 10% in 三醋精 triacetin
 odor: 硫磺烤熟 sulfurous cooked roasted
 flavor: 含硫洋葱 sulfurous onion
叔 Tertiary (第三 Third) - onion
FL allyl methyl 硫化物 sulfide
 odor: 蒜蓉大蒜洋葱 alliaceous garlic onion
 flavor: 咸味的硫磺洋葱 sulfurous alliaceous onion savory
FL/fr Fr R dibutyl 硫化物 sulfide
 odor: 绿 green 草木 grassy 紫叶 violet-leaf 草药 herbal 玫瑰 rose geranium
 flavor: 绿 green, 植物 vegetative, 洋葱大蒜 onion garlic, 辣根 horseradish, savory
FL furfuryl 硫代丙酸酯 thiopropionate
 odor: 含硫的 Sulfuraceous, 像咖啡 coffee-like, 洋葱和大蒜 onion and garlic, with a 炒 sauteed savory 细微差别 nuance
 flavor: 含硫的 Sulfuraceous, 咖啡 coffee, 洋葱和大蒜 onion and garlic-喜欢 like with 多肉的 meaty savory 烤 roast 细微差别 细微差别 nuances
FL 大蒜 garlic oleoresin
 odor: 烤 roasted, onion, 大蒜 garlic, with 含硫的 sulfury savory 类hvp HVP-喜欢 like 细微差别 细微差别 nuances
 flavor: 烧了 burned, 烤 roasted, 炒 sauteed, 洋葱和大蒜 onion and garlic
FL 韭葱 leek flavor
FL(r R,S)-2-mercapto-3-butanol
 odor: 认真的 SuIfureous, 烤肉 roasted meaty, 胶质的 Alliaceous, 洋葱和大蒜炒 sauteed onion and garlic
 flavor: 多肉的 meaty, savory, 洋葱和大蒜炒 sauteed onion and garlic
 odor: 激烈 Intense 含硫的 Sulfuraceous, 胶质的 Alliaceous and catty catty. it It 已 has 坚果 坚果 nutty 榛子坚果 hazel nut 注意 note with savory 烤肉 roasted meaty 细微差别 细微差别 nuances. it It 已 has 晕 faint 细微差别 细微差别 nuances of 热带 tropical 水果 果 fruits and 葡萄柚 grape果 fruit
 flavor: 激烈 Intense 胶质的 Alliaceous, 含硫的 Sulfuraceous, onion with 充分 full 浓郁的 bodied savory 笔记 注意 notes of 烤肉 roasted meaty
FL2-methyl-1,3-二硫杂环戊烷 3-dithiolane
 odor: 硫磺烟熏咸蔬菜 sulfurous alliaceous smoky savory vegetable
 flavor: 煮熟的烤洋葱 cooked roasted onion
FL methyl 4-(methyl thio) butyrate
 odor: 含硫的 sulfury 卷心菜 cabbage 果味的 fruity 菠萝 pineapple 起司 cheese
 flavor: 硫大蒜葱细香葱绿俗气 sulfurous garlic green onion chive green cheesy
FL/fr Fr R2-methyl 5-(methyl thio) 呋喃 furan
 odor: 含硫的 Sulfuraceous, onion, 大蒜 garlic, 咖啡 coffee and 芥末 mustard-喜欢 like with 泼辣 pungent 辣根 horseradish and 胡椒 peppery 细微差别 细微差别 nuances
 flavor: 发霉的 Musty, 芥末 mustard, onion, 大蒜 garlic, 蘑菇 mushroom, 咖啡 coffee and savory 细微差别 细微差别 nuances
FL2-methyl 硫代乙醛 thioacetaldehyde
 odor: 含硫的 Sulfuraceous, 消极的 vegatative, onion, 大蒜 garlic, 芥末 mustard and 坚果 坚果 nutty with a 土豆 potato 细微差别 nuance
 flavor: 胶质的 Alliaceous and 植物 vegetative with a 好 good 口感 口 mouth感觉 feel and 洋葱和大蒜 onion and garlic-喜欢 like with a 土豆 potato and 面包 bready 细微差别 nuance
2-(thienyl-2)-乙硫醇 -乙硫醇 ethane硫醇 thiol
 flavor: 烧了 burned, 咖啡渣 coffee grounds, onion
四元的 Quaternary (第四 Fourth) - onion
FL2-methyl-1,3-二硫杂环戊烷 3-dithiolane
 odor: 硫磺烟熏咸蔬菜 sulfurous alliaceous smoky savory vegetable
 flavor: 煮熟的烤洋葱 cooked roasted onion
FL2-methyl 噻吩 thiophene
 odor: 硫磺葱烤绿 sulfurous alliaceous onion roasted green
 flavor: 硫磺烤青菜洋葱苦 sulfurous roasted green cabbage onion bitter
FL/fr Fr R propyl 硫醇 mercaptan
 odor: 卷心菜 cabbage 自然 natural gas gas 甜洋葱 sweet onion
 flavor: 含硫的新鲜肉质洋葱含硫 alliaceous fresh meaty onion sulfurous
Quinary (第五 Fifth) - onion
FLalpha-benzylidene 方法 methional
 odor: 植物 vegetative 酸菜 sauerkraut, 泡菜 kimchi, 卷心菜 cabbage, soy beans, 葱 alliaceous onion 细微差别 细微差别 nuances
 flavor: 植物 vegetative 酸菜 sauerkraut, 泡菜 kimchi, 卷心菜 cabbage, soy beans, 葱 alliaceous onion 细微差别 细微差别 nuances
FL/fr Fr R 咖啡 coffee 呋喃 di呋喃 furan
 odor: 含硫的 Sulfuraceous, 咖啡 coffee, 糠基硫醇 furfuryl mercaptan, 烤 roasted, 多肉的 meaty, 洋葱和白菜 onion and cabbage, 土豆 potato
 flavor: 含硫的 Sulfuraceous, 咖啡 coffee, 烤肉 roasted meaty, onion
FL/fr Fr R ethyl vinyl ketone
 odor: 泼辣 Pungent, 以太 etherial, 起重 lifting, 胡椒 peppery, 大蒜 garlic, 芥末 mustard and onion
 flavor: 泼辣 Pungent, 以太 etherial, 胡椒 peppery, 大蒜 garlic, onion, 腥 fishy and 芥末 mustard with a 热 hot 细微差别 nuance
FL 大蒜 garlic 馏出物 distillates
 flavor: 大蒜 garlic
FL 大蒜 garlic flavor
FL3-mercapto-2-methyl 戊醛的 pentanal
 odor: 含硫的 Sulfuraceous, , savory 烤 grilled or 烤 roasted 牛肉 beef and 熟的 cooked 鸡 chicken 喜欢 like, 胶质的 Alliaceous, 大蒜 garlic with 热带 tropical 果 fruit and 养成的 cultured 乳业 dairy 细微差别 细微差别 nuances
 flavor: 含硫的 Sulfuraceous, 胶质的 Alliaceous, 烤香 roasted savory with 熟的 cooked onion and 炒 sauteed 大蒜 garlic 笔记 注意 notes and 热带 tropical 果 fruit 细微差别 细微差别 nuances of 芒果 mango and 百香果 热情 passion果 fruit
FL methyl benzyl 二硫化物 di硫化物 sulfide
 odor: 含硫的 Sulfuraceous 卷心菜 cabbage-喜欢 like, 植物 vegetative with a 绿 green 金属的 metallic 细微差别 nuance
 flavor: 含硫的 Sulfuraceous, 植物 vegetative, 金属的 metallic, 绿 green, with an onion 细微差别 nuance
FLbis(2-methyl-3-furyl) 二硫化物 di硫化物 sulfide
 odor: 含硫的 Sulfuraceous, 强烈的烤味,带有让 联想到硫醇的香气 strong roasted meaty with a note reminiscent of sulfurol, savory, au 精华/精粹/精萃 jus and 鸡 chicken 细微差别 细微差别 nuances
 flavor: 强大 Strong 多肉的 meaty, 含硫的 Sulfuraceous, 含硫胺素的肉汤 brothy with a hint of thiamin, 烤香 roasted savory, 与洋葱的细微差别 with nuances of cooked onion, 炒 sauteed 大蒜 garlic and 黑 black 胡椒 pepper
FL methyl 2-(methyl thio) butyrate
 odor: 含硫发霉洋葱水果热带绿 sulfurous musty onion fruity tropical green
 flavor: 含硫咸咸蔬菜洋葱水果热带 sulfury savory eggy vegetable onion fruity tropical
FL methyl thiomethyl butyrate
 odor: 含硫的 Sulfuraceous, 发霉的 Musty, onion, savory, 果味的 fruity and 热带 tropical with 植物 vegetative 细微差别 细微差别 nuances
 flavor: 含硫的 Sulfuraceous, savory, 蛋黄 eggy, 营养和洋葱果味 vegetative and onion with fruity, 热带 tropical 细微差别 细微差别 nuances
FL异 isopropyl 硫醇 mercaptan
 odor: 强大 strong 成熟 ripe onion 高气的 gas gassy 多肉的 meaty 含硫的 Sulfuraceous
 flavor: 软煮 Soft-煮沸 b油 oiled 蛋 egg 蛋黄 yolk, 硫化氢 hydrogen sulfide, 口感丰富 rich mouth feel, 强壮的家禽 strong poultry, 韭葱 leek and 洋葱状 onion-like
FL 硫丁定 thialdine
 odor: 含硫坚果榛子玉米多肉土肉 meat
 flavor: 硫葱萝卜大蒜煮洋葱土肉汤 sulfurous green onion radish garlic cooked onion earthy brothy
Senary (第六 Sixth) - onion
FL butyl 硫醇 mercaptan
 odor: 含硫的 Sulfuraceous, 脂肪的 fatty, 炖牛肉 stewed beef, 炒洋葱 sauteed onion, 蛋 egg, 咖啡 coffee and 大蒜 garlic
 flavor: 含硫的 Sulfuraceous, 植物 vegetative, 咸肉 savory meaty, 大蒜和洋葱 garlic and onion
 odor: 海鲜般 Seafood-喜欢 like, 溶剂 solvent, 大蒜和洋葱 garlic and onion, pyridine 喜欢 like
 flavor: 海鲜般 Seafood-喜欢 like, 蛤and和牡蛎发酵的大蒜和洋葱 clam and oyster fermented garlic and onion, 蘑菇 mushroom and turkey 土耳其
FL/fr Fr R 方法 methional
 odor: 蔬菜 Vegetable 油 oil. 奶油状 Creamy 番茄 tomato, 土豆皮和炸薯条 potato skin and French fry, 发酵母的 yeasty, 面包 bready, 肢动者 limburger 起司 cheese with a 咸肉 savory meaty 肉汤 brothy 细微差别 nuance
 flavor: 发霉的 Musty 番茄 tomato, 土豆 potato, 植物 vegetative, 模具成熟的奶酪 mold ripened cheeses, onion, 牛肉 牛肉 beefy 肉汤 brothy and 蛋 egg and 海鲜 seafood 细微差别 细微差别 nuances
FL3-methyl-2-butane 硫醇 thiol
 odor: 含硫的 Sulfuraceous, 咸烧橡胶 savory burnt rubber, 烤鸡肉和猪肉,带有细微的烤咖啡 roasted chicken and pork meaty with nuances of roasted coffee, 养成的 cultured 起司 起司 cheeses and 烤 roasted 腰果 cashew 坚果 坚果 nuts.
 flavor: 含硫的 Sulfuraceous, 咸炒肉 savory fried meaty, 油炸 fried 脂肪的 fatty with 咖啡 coffee and 熟的 cooked onion 细微差别 细微差别 nuances with a 轻微 s光 light 舌 tongue 咬 bite
FL1-(methyl thio)-2-butanone
 odor: 新鲜 fresh 萝卜 radish, 芥末 mustard, 辣根 horseradish and 芥末 wasabi 喜欢 like with 葱 alliaceous onion and savory 金属的 metallic and 植物 vegetative 细微差别 细微差别 nuances.
 flavor: 含硫的 Sulfuraceous, 白菜和萝卜 cabbage and radish, 辣根 horseradish, 烤 toasted onion and 乳业 dairy 喜欢 like 细微差别 细微差别 nuances
Septenary (第七 Seventh) - onion
FL/fr Fr R3-mercaptohexyl acetate
 odor: 花的 floral 果味的 fruity 梨 pear 热带 tropical 热情 passion 果 fruit 黑莓 黑 blackberry 覆盆子 raspberry 黑 black 黑醋栗 currant 芽 bud
 flavor: 含硫的热带水果百香果黑醋栗芽烤洋葱榴莲 sulfurous tropical fruit passion fruit black currant bud roasted meaty onion durian
FL/fr Fr R2-octen-4-one
 odor: 发酵母的 yeasty, 果味的 fruity, 蘑菇 mushroom, 金属的 metallic, 面包 bready, 菠萝 pineapple, 辣根 horseradish, 泥土的 earthy
 flavor: 蔬菜 Vegetable 绿 green 泥土的 earthy, 辣根 horseradish, cho鱼 anchovy, 泥土的 earthy, ketonic, onion, 发霉的 Musty, 热带升降机 tropical lift, 发酵母的 yeasty, 面包 bready, 蘑菇 mushroom, 发酵的 fermented
FL/fr Fr R 西番莲 passiflora acetate
 odor: 含硫的 Sulfuraceous, 金属的 metallic, 象buchu一样的猫 buchu-like cattiness, 甜 sweet 果味的 fruity 热带 tropical with 挥之不去 lingering 杏 apricot and 桃子 peach 笔记 注意 notes. 绿 green 植物 vegetative with 洋葱和大蒜 onion and garlic 笔记 注意 notes. 轻微 S光 light 烧了 burned 橡胶 rubber 细微差别 细微差别 nuances
 flavor: 含硫的 Sulfuraceous, 多汁的 Alliceous, 热带 tropical 果 fruit with 模糊 fuzzy 番石榴 guava and 热情 passion 果 fruit 笔记 注意 notes. 美味的 Savory 煮沸 b油 oiled 蛋 egg and 熟的 cooked onion
Octonary (Eighth) - onion