Typical G.C. analysis

秋葵属 abe belmoschus 摩cha鱼 moschatus 种子油 seed oil
60.80(E,e)-2 E)-2,4- decadienal
50.40(E,Z)-2,4- decadienal
40.60  decanol
30.102- decanone
85.60  decyl acetate
130.20  丙酸癸酯 decyl propionate
120.30  dodecanol
150.70 dodecen-1-yl acetate
164.00  十二烷基乙酸酯 dodecyl acetate
350.10  ethyl (E)-9-octadecenoate
260.10  十六烷酸乙酯 ethyl hexadecanoate
330.20  亚油酸乙酯 ethyl linolenate
110.20be beta- farnesene
183.50(E,e)-2 E)-2,6- 法尼醇 farnesol
170.30(Z,e)-2 E)-2,6- 法尼醇 farnesol
2259.10(E,e)-2 E)-2,6- 醋酸法呢酯 farnesyl acetate
213.80(Z,e)-2 E)-2,6- 醋酸法呢酯 farnesyl acetate
231.10(E,e)-2 E)-2,6-法呢基 farnesyl propionate
270.30 法呢基 farnesyl valerate
100.30  香叶基丙酮 geranyl acetone
251.40  十六烷酸 hexadecanoic acid
247.80(Z)-7- hexadecen-16-olid
20.20  hexyl propionate
300.50  linoleic acid
290.10  methyl (Z)-9-octadecenoate
280.30  亚油酸甲酯 methyl linolenate
140.40  橙花醇 nerolidol
310.90(E)-9-octadecanoic acid
340.10 十八烯酸 octadecenoic acid
10.10  辛基酚聚醚 octanol
90.10  2-甲基丁酸辛酯 octyl 2-methyl butyrate
70.20  丁酸辛酯 octyl butyrate
201.60 tetradecen-1-yl acetate

L. cravo Cravo, F. Perineau, A. Gaset J. M. Bessiere, 研究 Study of the chemical 组成 composition of the 精油 essential oil, oleoresin its its 易挥发的 volatile 产品 product 获得 obtained from ambrette (Abe belmoschas 摩cha鱼 moschatus ench m Moench) 种子 seeds. Flav. Fragr. J., 7, 65-67 (1992).

p&amp P&F 21, 4 No. 4, 57, (1996)

菊苣 chicory 根 root 烤 roasted extract
五 Five 年份 years 后来 later, Sannai eta1. (1982) 检查过 examined the 蒸汽 steam 易挥发的 volatile 成分 constituents of 烤 roasted 菊苣 chicory roots. Using a 组合 combination of 现代 modern analytical 技术 techniques, 他们 they identified the 以下 following 挥发物 易挥发的 volatiles:
20.154- acetyl 吡唑 pyrazole
103.772- acetyl pyrrole
3trace  benzaldehyde
160.37  benzoic acid
9trace  苯并噻唑 benzothiazole
150.20  香豆素 coumarin
140.11  二氢actinidiolide dihydroactinidiolide
120.512- formyl-5-methyl pyrrole
60.20  糠醛 furfuraldehyde alcohol
12.80  糠醛 furfuraldehyde
110.632- 呋喃基羟甲基酮 furyl hydroxymethyl ketone
251.402-(5-hydroxmethyl-2-formyl pyrrol-1-yl) 4-methyl valeric acid lactone
174.275- hydroxymethyl-2-糠醛 furfuraldehyde
230.562-(5-hydroxymethyl)-2-formyl pyrrol-1-yl) isovaleric acid lactone
306.74  linoleic acid
312.45  亚麻酸 linolenic acid
260.997- methoxy香豆素 coumarin
270.64  3-羟基苯甲酸甲酯 methyl 3-hydroxybenzoate
80.15  甲基环戊烯酮 methyl cyclopentenolone
217.45  亚油酸甲酯 methyl linolenate
222.00  亚油酸甲酯 methyl linolenate
180.89  油酸甲酯 methyl oleate
131.85  棕榈酸甲酯 methyl palmitate
7trace  乙酸甲基苯酯 methyl phenyl acetate
40.045- methyl-2-糠醛 furfuraldehyde
290.60  油酸 oleic acid
285.80  棕榈酸 palmitic acid
240.10  pentadecanoic acid
51.04  苯乙醛 phenyl acetaldehyde
202.49  苯乙酸 phenyl acetic acid
195.48  香兰素 vanillin

A. Sannai, T. Fujimori K. 加藤 k Kato, Studies on 味道 flavor 组件 components of 烤 roasted 菊苣 chicory 根 root. 农业 Agric. biol Biol. 化学 Chem., 46, 429-433 (1982).

p&amp P&F 26, 3 No. 3, 66, (2001)

肉桂 cinnamomum zeylanicum 果 fruitoil 印度 india
in In 1997, j Jayaprakasha et al. 分析 analyzed 二 two oils of the 果 fruit of C. zeylanicum by GC GC GC GC/ms m MS. 虽然 Although the oils were produced from 果 fruit 收获的 harvested in 二 two 不同 different 地点 locations in 印度 in India, 塔克邦 k Karnataka 喀拉拉邦 k Kerala, theoil 成分 组成 compositions were 类似 similar as can be be 看过 seen from the 以下 following analytical 结果 results:
322.7-2.8  苯甲酸苄酯 benzyl benzoate
80.3-0.4  borneol
212.3-3.0delta- cadinene
201.2-1.6gamma- cadinene
311.0-1.5alpha- cadinol
302.7-3.4T- cadinol
159.2-13.7be beta- 石竹烯 caryophyllene
240.9-1.1  石竹烯氧化物 caryophyllene oxide
100.6-4.3(E)- 肉桂醛 cinnamaldehyde
70.2-0.3(Z)- 肉桂醛 cinnamaldehyde
1642.4-54.2(E)- 醋酸肉桂酯 cinnamyl acetate
112.0-2.2(E)- 肉桂醇 cinnamyl alcohol
141.8-3.1alpha- 古巴烯、蒎烯 copaene
290.5-0.8  cube benol
270.4-0.510-epi-gamma- eudesmol
120.2-0.3  eugenol
191.7-2.0  ac germacrene B
180.7-0.8  germacrene D
260.3  胚芽烯d-4-ol germacrene D-4-ol
250.5-0.6  globulol
220.4be beta- 愈创木烯 guaiene
172.8-3.1alpha- humulene
340.0-0.3  油酸甲酯 methyl oleate
330.0-0.3  棕榈酸甲酯 methyl palmitate
280.3alpha- muurolol
30.0-0.2  myrcene
230.2-0.4  橙花醇 nerolidol
60.2-0.5(E)-beta- 罗勒烯 ocimene
40.1-0.7alpha- 芹菜烯 phellandrene
50.4-1.6be beta- 芹菜烯 phellandrene
132.9-4.33- 乙酸苯丙酯 phenyl propyl acetate
10.1-1.6alpha- 松油萜、蒎烯 pinene
20.1-0.6be beta- 松油萜、蒎烯 pinene
90.3alpha- 松油醇 terpineol

G. K. j Jayaprakasha, L. j Jaganmohan Rao K. K. Sakariah, Chemical 组成 composition of the folatileoil from the fruits its of 肉桂 Cinnamomum zeylanicum 软糖 Blume. Flav. Fragr. J., 12, 331-333 (1997)

p&amp P&F 23, No. 1, 39, (1998)

金缕梅叶油 hamamelis virginiana leaf oil
 0.01  苯甲酸苄酯 benzyl benzoate
 trace  苯甲酸丁酯 butyl benzoate
 0.05  卡达琳 cadalene
 0.04delta- cadinene
 0.21be beta- 石竹烯 caryophyllene
 0.07  环己 cyclosativene
 trace(E)-beta- 大马士革酮 damascenone
 0.03  can decanal
30.01  癸烷 decane
 0.28  多沙醛 docosanal
181.27  十二烷 docosane
 0.21  二十烷醇 docosanol
 0.20  dodecanal
40.03  十二烷 docosane
 0.69  酒石酸 dotriacontane
 trace  二十烷醛 eicosanal
150.60  二十烷 eicosane
 0.02  二十烷醇 eicosanol
 0.16  十六烷酸乙酯 ethyl hexadecanoate
 0.09  亚油酸乙酯 ethyl linolenate
 0.05  亚油酸乙酯 ethyl linolenate
 0.06  油酸乙酯 ethyl oleate
 0.09 ethyl tetracosane
 0.01  十四烷酸乙酯 ethyl tetradecanoate
 0.05alpha- eudesmol
 0.02gamma- eudesmol
 1.47(E,E)-alpha- farnesene
 0.08alpha- farnesene
 1.74  香叶醇 geraniol
 0.07  香叶基丙酮 geranyl acetone
 0.01  香叶酸香叶酯 geranyl formate
 0.47  香叶基芳樟醇 geranyl linalool
 1.14 henitritriacontane
 16.12  heptacosane
120.31  heptacosane
 0.052- heptadecanone
 0.91  六乙醛 hexacosanal
 2.27  hexacosane
 0.15  十六醛 hexadecanal
100.07  十hexadecane
 1.62  十六烷酸 hexadecanoic acid
 0.10  十六醇 hexadecanol
110.161- hexadecyne
 0.13  hexanol
 0.19(Z)-3- 己烯-1-醇 hexen-1-ol
 0.02(E)-2-hexen-1-yl (E)-2-hexenoate
 trace(Z)-3- hexen-1-yl (E)-2-hexenoate
 0.15(Z)-3-hexen-1-yl 2-or-3-methyl butyrate
 0.06(Z)-3- hexen-1-yl angelate or tiglate
 0.30(Z)-3- hexen-1-yl be benzoate
 0.14(E)-2- hexen-1-yl butyrate
 trace(Z)-3- hexen-1-yl butyrate
 0.03(E)-2- hexen-1-yl hexanoate
 0.23(Z)-3- hexen-1-yl hexanoate
 trace(Z)-3- hexen-1-yl octanoate
 0.01(Z)-3- hexen-1-yl salicylate
 trace  己酯 hexyl tiglate
 trace  丁烯醇 hotrienol
 0.05alpha- humulene
 trace hydroxyedulan-1
 0.08be beta- ionone
 0.02  考琳 kaurene
 3.74  linalool
 0.12(E)- 芳樟醇氧化物 linalool oxide
 0.31(Z)- 芳樟醇氧化物 linalool oxide
 0.10  马诺 manool
 0.03  氧化锰 manoyl oxide
190.022- methyl 十二烷 docosane
 0.11  二十二酸甲酯 methyl docosanoate
 0.04  二十烷酸甲酯 methyl eicosanoate
160.022- methyl heptacosane
170.013- methyl heptacosane
 0.06 methyl henitritriacontane
 0.083- methyl heptacosane
 0.05 methyl hexacosane
 0.222-methyl hexacosane
 0.043- methyl hexacosane
 0.33  十六烷酸甲酯 methyl hexadecanoate
 0.09  亚油酸甲酯 methyl linolenate
 0.47  亚油酸甲酯 methyl linolenate
 0.21 methyl 壬二十烷 nonacosane
 0.03 methyl 十八烷 nonadecanal
 0.072- methyl 十八烷 nonadecanal
 0.083- methyl 十八烷 nonadecanal
 0.13  油酸甲酯 methyl oleate
 0.182- methyl 五烷 pentacosane
 0.153- methyl 五烷 pentacosane
 0.054- methyl 五烷 pentacosane
 0.03 methyl tetracosane
 0.024- methyl tetracosane
 0.15  十四酸甲酯 methyl tetracosanoate
70.273- methyl tetracosane
 0.03  十四烷酸甲酯 methyl tetradecanoate
 0.132- methyl tritriacontane
 0.043- methyl tritriacontane
 0.04  月桂烯醇 myrcenol
 0.03  橙花醇 nerol
 0.09  氧化橙花醇 nerol oxide
 0.17(E)- 橙花醇 nerolidol
 7.12  壬二十烷 nonacosane
 0.03  十八烷 nonadecanal
140.78  十八烷 nonadecanal
 0.62  nonanal
20.01  nonane
 0.11  nonanoic acid
 0.09  nonanol
 0.28  八面体 octacosanal
 1.75  十八烷 nonadecanal
130.12  十八烷 nonadecanal
 trace  octadecanol
 0.03  octanal
10.59  辛烷 octane
 trace  辛基酚聚醚 octanol
 0.031- 辛烯-3-醇 octen-3-ol
 10.99  五烷 pentacosane
 0.13  十五运河 pentadecanal
80.10  十五烷 pentadecane
 0.042- pentadecanone
 9.79(E)- 植醇 phytol
 0.68异 iso 植醇 phytol
 0.07异 iso propyl tetradecanoate
 trace  缩醛 riesling acetal
 0.03be beta- santalene
 0.09  squalene
 1.06alpha- 松油醇 terpineol
 0.39  四co tetracosanal
 2.59  tetracosane
 0.081- 并四烯 tetracosene
 0.05  tetradecanal
60.23  tetracosane
 0.30  四金刚烷 tetratriacontane
 1.14  tritriacontane
 0.68  tritriacontane
2010.38  十三烷 tricosane
 0.24  十三can tridecanal
50.54  十三烷 tricosane
 0.042- 十三烷酮 tridecanone
 0.211,1,6- 三甲基-1 trimethyl-1,2-dihydronaphthalene
 0.011,1,6- 三甲基-1 trimethyl-1,2,3,4-tetrahydronaphthalene
90.234,8,12- 三甲基-1 trimethyl-1,3,7,11-tridecatetraene
 0.706,10,14- trimethyl-2-pentadecanone
 0.80ar- 姜黄酮 turmerone
 0.42  十一醛 undecanal
 0.03(E)-2- 十一年代 undecenal
 0.21  viridiflorol
 0.09  灭螺灵 vitispirane

R. Engel, M. Gutmann, C. h Harisch, H. k Koloclziej A. Nahstedt, 研究 Study on the 组成 composition of the 易挥发的 volatile fraction of 金缕梅 h Hamamelis virginiana. 植物 Planta 中 m Med., 64, 251-258 (1998).

p&amp P&F 24, 4 No. 4, 31, (1999)

桂花花精华/精粹/精萃 osmanthus fragrans flower absolute
960.04  苯甲酸戊酯 amyl benzoate
320.03  丁酸戊酯 amyl butyrate
360.008  异戊酸戊酯 amyl isovalerate
104trace  水杨酸戊酯 amyl salicylate
800.06  茴香脑 anethole
1070.003  乙酸茴香酯 anisyl acetate
510.19  benzaldehyde
700.08  乙酸苄酯 benzyl acetate
870.19  苯甲醇 benzyl alcohol
86trace  丁酸苄酯 benzyl butyrate
500.02  甲酸苄酯 benzyl formate
590.16  bornyl acetate
15trace  butanal
31trace  丁基苯 butyl benzene
210.02  丁酸丁酯 butyl butyrate
950.12  乙酸丁基苯酯 butyl phenyl acetate
62trace  butyric acid
8trace  樟脑 camphene
52trace  樟脑 camphene
16tracedelta-3- carene carene
119trace  carvacrol
71trace  carvone
200.301,8- 桉树脑 cineole
75trace  citronellol
103tracemeta- 甲酚 cresol
102tracepara- 甲酚 cresol
26tracepara- 异丙基甲苯、伞花烃 cymene
113tracedelta- decalactone
10611.70gamma- decalactone
29trace  can decanal
1170.05  decanoic acid
749.20  decanol
660.08  decyl acetate
1300.39  邻苯二甲酸二丁酯 dibutyl phthalate
84trace  二氢茉莉酮 dihydrojasmone
890.282,6- dimethyl phenol
1110.03  十二烷 docosane
1240.21gamma- 十二内酯 dodecalactone
490.05  dodecanal
970.04  二十烷 eicosane
20.06  乙酸乙酯 ethyl acetate
130.02  乙苯 ethyl benzene
430.03  癸酸乙酯 ethyl decanoate
220.004  己酸乙酯 ethyl hexanoate
101trace  肉豆蔻酸乙酯 ethyl myristate
77trace  水杨酸乙酯 ethyl salicylate
1081.90  eugenol
1210.02(E)-iso -iso eugenol
1140.02(Z)-iso -iso eugenol
1200.18  法尼醇 farnesol
45trace  糠醛 furfuraldehyde
72trace  geranial
830.07  香叶醇 geraniol
73trace  乙酸香叶酯 geranyl acetate
680.08 香叶酸香叶酯 geranyl formate + dodecanal
105trace  heptacosane
17trace  heptanal
94trace  heptanoic acid
90.022-heptanol + hexanal
38trace  乙酸庚酯 heptyl acetate
330.01  甲酸庚酯 heptyl formate
88trace  异戊酸庚酯 heptyl isovalerate
370.01  hexanal
810.05  hexanoic acid
390.12(Z)-3- 己烯-1-醇 hexen-1-ol
42trace  丁酸己酯 hexyl butyrate
35trace  hexyl propionate
1100.007  水杨酸己酯 hexyl salicylate
53trace  戊酸己酯 hexyl valerate
820.86alpha- ionone
925.85be beta- ionone
116trace  茉莉内酯 jasmolactone
930.02(Z)- jasmone
1280.02  月桂酸 lauric acid
18trace  柠檬烯 limonene
552.36  linalool
4414.60(E)- 芳樟醇氧化物 linalool oxide furanoid
4621.10(Z)- 芳樟醇氧化物 linalool oxide furanoid
56trace  乙酸芳樟酯 linalyl acetate
910.07 methyl alpha-ionone + 喹啉 quinoline
190.053- methyl butanol
60trace  癸酸甲酯 methyl decanoate
118trace  二氢茉莉酸甲酯 methyl dihydrojasmonate
780.03  十二酸甲酯 methyl dodecanoate
58trace5- methyl 糠醛 furfuraldehyde
480.09  壬酸甲酯 methyl nonanoate
1270.16  油酸甲酯 methyl oleate
1120.07  棕榈酸甲酯 methyl palmitate
340.022- methyl-2-hepten-6-one
14trace4- methyl-3-penten-2-one
1310.03  肉豆蔻酸 myristic acid
990.21  橙花醇 nerolidol
980.04gamma- 非内酯 nonalactone
400.11  nonanal
630.70  nonanol
1000.11  octanoic acid
570.02  辛基酚聚醚 octanol
28trace2- octanone
47trace  乙酸辛酯 octyl acetate
690.02  戊酸辛酯 octyl valerate
1320.71  棕榈酸 palmitic acid
30.003  pentanal
24trace 五旬期 pentenal
79trace2- 醋酸苯乙酯 phenethyl acetate
900.192-苯乙基 phenethyl alcohol + 十八烷 nonadecanal
760.012- 甲酸苯乙酯 phenethyl formate
65trace  苯乙醛 phenyl acetaldehyde
5tracealpha- 松油萜、蒎烯 pinene
11tracebe beta- 松油萜、蒎烯 pinene
1trace  propanal
70.01  propanol
540.02  propionic acid
12trace  桧烯 sabinene
850.02  safrole
1220.03alpha- 三醇 santalol
1260.02be beta- 三醇 santalol
25trace  styrene
610.06  terpinen-4-ol
230.20gamma- terpinene
670.07alpha- 松油醇 terpineol
270.06  terpinolene
1250.02  tetracosane
41trace  tetracosane
1090.23  thymol
6trace  toluene
30trace  十三烷 tricosane
115tracegamma- 十一内酯 undecalactone
100.008  undecane
1233.10  undecanoic acid
64trace异 iso valeric acid
1290.08  香兰素 vanillin
V. T. Cogiya, L. G. k Kharebava, R. V. Gogiya E. B. Gvatua, 组成 Composition of the 易挥发的 volatile 化合物 compounds in flowers of Osrnanthus fragrans (拇指 Thumb) lour Lour. r Rastit. r Resur., 22, 243-248 (1986). p&amp P&F 17, 3 No. 3, 61, (1992)