Typical G.C. analysis

菖蒲根茎油 acorus calamus rhizome oil
193.09  紫草酮 acolamone
253.25异 iso 紫草酮 acolamone
177.38  菖蒲大牯牛兒酮 acoragermacrone
330.24  Acorenone acorenone
262.85beta- Asarone asarone
30.11  borneol
352.46  卡达拉1 cadala-1,4,9-triene
183.72delta- cadinene
201.30alpha- 甘草 calacorene
230.30beta- 甘草 calacorene
370.86  花粉二醇 calamendiol
368.37异 iso 花粉二醇 calamendiol
3114.70  菖蒲烯 calamenene
380.60  甘草酮 calamenone
300.73  菖蒲烯酮 calamusenone
20.24  樟脑 camphor
90.33beta- 石竹烯 caryophyllene
60.07alpha- 古巴烯、蒎烯 copaene
120.14beta- 荜澄茄/山苍子 cubebene
320.231,4- dihydro-1,1,4,4-tetramethyl-2,3-naphthalene dione
70.48beta- elemene
210.60  elemol
160.90beta- 愈创木烯 guaiene
130.12beta- 古尔烯 gurjunene
100.31beta- gurjurene
10.21  linalool
80.58  甲基丁香酚 methyl eugenol
150.29(E)- 甲基异丁香酚 methyl isoeugenol
1117.70(Z)- 甲基异丁香酚 methyl isoeugenol
271.18alpha- muurolol
281.70epi-alpha- muurolol
145.03  香豆酮 shyobunone
240.82epi- 香豆酮 shyobunone
220.08异 iso 香豆酮 shyobunone
40.22  terpinen-4-ol
50.14alpha- 松油醇 terpineol

M. x X. li Li Z-B. Jiang, The 易挥发的 volatile 成分 constituents of the 精油 essential oil their 分配 distribution in 菖蒲属 Acorus 菖蒲 calamus L. Zhongcaoyo, 24, 459-461 (1993).

p&amp P&F 22, 2 No. 2, 59, (1997)

菖蒲根油 acorus calamus root oil
260.33  紫草酮 acolamone
190.35  二十碳三烯 acoradiene
240.50  菖蒲大牯牛兒酮 acoragermacrone
361.09  Acorenone acorenone
301.68beta- Asarone asarone
30.04  borneol
60.04  bornyl acetate
370.64  卡达拉1 cadala-1,4,9-triene
251.57beta- cadinene
120.44delta- cadinene
132.11gamma- cadinene
270.68alpha- 甘草 calacorene
290.91preiso 花粉二醇 calamendiol
343.15  菖蒲烯 calamenene
399.62  甘草酮 calamenone
20.03  樟脑 camphor
141.43  scar草二烯 cascarilladiene
100.61alpha- cedrene
90.05alpha- 古巴烯、蒎烯 copaene
200.74ar- 姜黄素 curcumene
400.15  邻苯二甲酸二丁酯 dibutyl phthalate
350.591,4- dihydro-1,1,4,4-tetramethyl-2,3-naphthalene dione
330.451,6- dimethyl-4-iso -isopropyl naphthalene
110.29beta- elemene
220.30(E,E)-alpha- farnesene
161.12(E)-beta- farnesene
210.11beta- 愈创木烯 guaiene
157.66beta- gurjurene
10.24  linalool
172.85(Z)- 甲基异丁香酚 methyl isoeugenol
230.96alpha- 茂烯 muurolene
310.69alpha- muurolol
320.24epi-alpha- muurolol
410.05  棕榈酸 palmitic acid
380.352-iso -isoproponyl-6-iso -isopropyl methyl-3-vinyl cyclohexanol
80.01alpha-桧烯 sabinene
2818.70epi- 香豆酮 shyobunone
40.08  terpinen-4-ol
50.05alpha- 松油醇 terpineol
70.133,3,7,9-tetramethyl tricyclo(
180.162,6,10,10-tetramethyl tricyclo(

M. x X. li Li Z-B. Jiang, The 易挥发的 volatile 成分 constituents of the 精油 essential oil their 分配 distribution in 菖蒲属 Acorus 菖蒲 calamus L. Zhongcaoyo, 24, 459-461 (1993).

p&amp P&F 22, 2 No. 2, 59, (1997)

依兰香叶花油二氧化碳提取物 cananga odorata flower oil CO2 extract
451.46alpha- amorphene
280.17(E)- 茴香脑 anethole
620.02(Z)- Asarone asarone
40.59  benzaldehyde
186.15  乙酸苄酯 benzyl acetate
120.04  苯甲醇 benzyl alcohol
6411.97  苯甲酸苄酯 benzyl benzoate
710.04  肉桂酸苄酯 benzyl cinnamate
673.66  水杨酸苄酯 benzyl salicylate
520.02  比沙泊烯 bisabolene
590.61alpha- bisabolol
470.133- buten-2-yl benzoate
530.19delta- cadinene
540.01gamma- cadinene
423.96beta- 石竹烯 caryophyllene
430.21alpha- cedrene
600.02  雪松 cedrol
92.731,8- 桉树脑 cineole
300.02  肉桂醇 cinnamic alcohol
260.21  肉桂醛 cinnamic aldehyde
412.28  醋酸肉桂酯 cinnamyl acetate
370.93alpha- 古巴烯、蒎烯 copaene
140.53para- 甲酚 cresol
82.00para- 甲酚 cresyl methyl ether
400.60beta- 荜澄茄/山苍子 cubebene
230.101,4- di甲氧基苯 methoxybenzene
210.043,4- dimethoxytoluene
690.02  二十烷 eicosane
380.02delta- elemene
550.02  elemol
190.02  苯甲酸乙酯 ethyl benzoate
340.03  eugenol
440.54异 iso eugenol
5114.63(E,E)-alpha- farnesene
631.39(E,E)- 法尼醇 farnesol
662.00  醋酸法呢酯 farnesyl acetate
351.00  乙酸香叶酯 geranyl acetate
4920.03  germacrene D
720.04  hexacosane
700.23  十六烷酸 hexadecanoic acid
10.113- 己烯-1-醇 hexen-1-ol
70.013- 己烯-1-基乙酸酯 hexen-1-yl acetate
570.01(Z)-3- hexen-1-yl benzoate
460.99alpha- humulene
310.13  吲哚 indole
110.04  柠檬烯 limonene
1616.47  linalool
200.012- methoxy-4-methyl phenol
290.04  2-甲氧基苯甲酸甲酯 methyl 2-methoxybenzoate
330.02  邻氨基苯甲酸甲酯 methyl anthranilate
250.074- methyl 苯甲醛肟 benzaldoxime
152.42  苯甲酸甲酯 methyl benzoate
480.14  甲基丁香酚 methyl eugenol
220.04  水杨酸甲酯 methyl salicylate
20.182- methyl-3-butenol
560.03alpha- 茂烯 muurolene
500.02gamma- 茂烯 muurolene
610.06alpha- muurolol
60.05  myrcene
580.02  -橙花甾醇 nerolidol
130.02(E)-beta- 罗勒烯 ocimene
240.162- 醋酸苯乙酯 phenethyl acetate
680.022- 苯甲酸苯乙酯 phenethyl benzoate
100.03  苯乙醛 phenyl acetaldehyde
270.102- phenyl-1-nitroethane
30.19alpha- 松油萜、蒎烯 pinene
50.07beta- 松油萜、蒎烯 pinene
320.024-(2- propenyl) phenol
650.01  tetradecanal
390.53  tetradecane
360.02alpha- 依兰 ylangene

E. E. Stashenko, W. Torres J. R. 马丁内斯 m Martinez m Morales, A 研究 study of the 成分的 compositional 变异 variation of the 精油 essential oil of 依兰 ylang 依兰 ylang (cananga Cananga odorata 钩 h Hook. fil. et 汤姆森 Thomson, forma Genuina genuina) 中 during 花 flower 发展 development. J. 高 h High 分辨力 Resol. 色谱仪 Chromatogr., 18, 101-104 (1995).

p&amp P&F 24, 4 No. 4, 31, (1999)

daucus carota ssp. 最大 格言 maximus (desf desf.) 球 ball 种子油 seed oil
1517.65beta- Asarone asarone
80.28alpha- 佛手柑 bergamotene
163.00alpha- 比沙泊烯 bisabolene
1334.70beta- 比沙泊烯 bisabolene
170.39preiso 花粉二醇 calamendiol
71.48beta- 石竹烯 caryophyllene
4tracepara- 异丙基甲苯、伞花烃 cymene
100.43(E)-beta- farnesene
90.31alpha- humulene
5trace  柠檬烯 limonene
61.97  甲基丁香酚 methyl eugenol
1137.22(E)- 甲基异丁香酚 methyl isoeugenol
140.25beta-sesqui 芹菜烯 phellandrene
1tracealpha- 松油萜、蒎烯 pinene
3tracebeta- 松油萜、蒎烯 pinene
2trace  桧烯 sabinene
120.65  香豆酮 shyobunone

H. E. A. Saad, S. H. El-Sharkawy A. F. 哈林 h Halim, 必要 Essential oils of Daucus carota ssp. 最大 格言 maximus. 药 Pharm. acta Acta 直升机 h Helv. 70, 79-84 (1995).

p&amp P&F 24, 6 No. 6, 45, (1999)

蜡菊榨油匈牙利 helichrysum arenarium l. moench oil hungary
53.20  茴香脑 anethole
70.30para- 茴香醛 anisaldehyde
211.50beta- Asarone asarone
160.70delta- cadinene
113.60  carvacrol
41.10  carvone
180.30 caryophylla-2(12),6-dien-5-ol
90.60beta- 石竹烯 caryophyllene
60.20  古巴烯、蒎烯 copaene
159.80  decanoic acid
1911.90  dodecanoic acid
130.40  eugenol
221.40  globulol
170.10alpha- 古尔烯 gurjunene
120.50alpha- humulene
11.70  linalool
2328.50  棕榈酸甲酯 methyl palmitate
140.10gamma- 茂烯 muurolene
201.30alpha- muurolol
86.90  nonanoic acid
36.00  octanoic acid
21.80alpha- 松油醇 terpineol
100.60  thymol
J. of Ess. 油 Oil Res. 12, 6 No. 6, 728, (2000)
正齿石竹格言油越南 orthodon dianthera maxim. oil vietnam
275.50(Z)- Asarone asarone
295.70(E)- Asarone asarone
160.10(E)-alpha- 佛手柑 bergamotene
11tracebeta- 波旁烯 bourbonene
1452.90beta- 石竹烯 caryophyllene
130.80异 iso 石竹烯 caryophyllene
252.20  石竹烯氧化物 caryophyllene oxide
50.401,8- 桉树脑 cineole
40.20para- 异丙基甲苯、伞花烃 cymene
10trace(E)-beta- 大马士革酮 damascenone
120.20beta- elemene
23trace(Z)-iso -iso elemicin elemicin
220.10(E,Z)-alpha- farnesene
200.60(E,E)-alpha- farnesene
191.20(Z,E)-alpha- farnesene
1723.80alpha- humulene
281.40  humulene oxide I
31trace 异构体 isomer of 蜂胶 apiole 1
32trace 异构体 isomer of 蜂胶 apiole 2
80.20  linalool
180.20(E)- 甲基异丁香酚 methyl isoeugenol
150.20(Z)- 甲基异丁香酚 methyl isoeugenol
9trace  水杨酸甲酯 methyl salicylate
260.30异 iso 桃红霉素 myristicin
240.90(E)- -橙花甾醇 nerolidol
7trace  nonanal
3trace3- 辛基酚聚醚 octanol
20.103- octanone
10.201- 辛烯-3-醇 octen-3-ol
332.50 其他 other 化合物 compounds
60.10gamma- terpinene
300.102,4,5- trimethoxybenzaldehyde
J. of Ess. 油 Oil Res. 13, No. 1, 18, (2001)
美洲红皮油古巴 rhizophora mangle bark oil cuba
46trace(Z)- Asarone asarone
80.10  benzaldehyde
270.10  苯并噻唑 benzothiazole
21trace  borneol
480.20alpha- cadinol
410.10alpha- 甘草 calacorene
390.10(E)- 菖蒲烯 calamenene
180.10  樟脑 camphor
28tracetrans- carvacrol
430.10  石竹烯氧化物 caryophyllene oxide
120.30para- 异丙基甲苯、伞花烃 cymene
150.10para- 异丙基甲苯、伞花烃 cymenene
330.10(E,Z)-2,4- decadienal
20.10  dihydro-3,5-dimethyl-2(3H)-furanone
250.10(E)- 二氢香芹酮 dihydrocarvone
360.201,2- dimethoxy-4-(2-propenyl)benzene
200.101,3- di甲氧基苯 methoxybenzene
340.101-(1,3-dimethyl-3-butenyl)-4-甲氧基苯 methoxybenzene
400.20  elemicin elemicin
410.00  乙酸乙酯 ethyl acetate
5trace  乙苯 ethyl benzene
440.10  月桂酸乙酯 ethyl laurate
300.10  水杨酸乙酯 ethyl salicylate
31trace  geranial
6trace  heptanal
30.20  hexanal
291.504- hydroxy-3-methyl benzaldehyde
370.10(E)-beta- ionone
541.10  考琳 kaurene
130.10  柠檬烯 limonene
170.10  linalool
14trace(Z)- 芳樟醇氧化物 linalool oxide
5595.50  马诺 manool
512.1013-epi- 马诺 manool
539.6013-epi- 氧化锰 manoyl oxide
5229.90  氧化锰 manoyl oxide
19trace异 iso menthone
70.10  甲氧基苯 methoxybenzene
350.401-(4- methoxyphenyl)-2-propanone
240.20  甲基查维醇 methyl chavicol
90.106- 甲基-5-庚-2-酮 methyl-5-hepten-2-one
500.406- 甲基-8-(2 methyl-8-(2,6,6-trimethyl cyclohexen-1-yl)-5-octen-2-one
470.10epi-alpha- muurolol
420.40(E)- -橙花甾醇 nerolidol
160.10  nonanal
110.102- pentyl 呋喃 furan
10trace  phenol
492.20  植醇 phytol
1trace  pyridine
220.80  terpinen-4-ol
230.40alpha- 松油醇 terpineol
450.201,2,3,4- tetramethoxy-5-(2-propenyl)-苯 -苯 benzene
320.70  thymol
568.60 未知 unknown a
577.50 未知 unknown b
5814.50 未知 unknown c
26trace  马鞭草酮 verbenone
in 毫克 mg/kg kg. J. of Ess. 油 Oil Res. 13, 2 No. 2, 88, (2001)